Character Info

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Name- Kazu Hero Krystal

Height- 6"7'

Looks- Long brown hair, right eye emerald/forest green, left eye ruby/blood red (wears brown eyed contacts for personal reasons), has many scares ( covers them up so no one could see), has an 8 pack

Gender- Male
Human age- (will be explained in the story) 18 turning 19
Real age- ??? (Let's just say he took care of all the DL characters the counties; ancients too and no they don't know what he is)
Year:4th ( oh and if you are wondering why he is still in high school that will be explained later but, I heard Shu was 19 and in high school correct me if I'm wrong)

Family-  Real family:
Parents: unknown,
Younger twin siblings:
Oldest (by a minute) Shadow Krystal: male, and youngest Winter Krystal: female
Adoptive family:
Mother: Casie Frost; age 39
Father: Eric Frost; age 42
Siblings: 4 older,
Kaito Frost: 25, male
Raven Frost: 22, female
Blue Frost and Red Frost: fraternal twins; 20
Complete opposites

Birthday- January 10 (but no one really knows because he never tells anyone; but some do)

Personality- Around everyone he is like a big brother, caring, loving, worry wort, and calm he doesn't open up to a lot of people because of reasons but when he does he is the same except he is more teasing, funny, mature, sometimes childish, lazy... NEVER get him angry it takes a lot to do that but if he walks away let him...

Likes- Sweets, food, music, family/friends, gang (yes I said that), people, helping, true form, animals (and they love him back), video games, anime, YouTube and his subscribers, manga, drawing, his hobbies, learning new things (his IQ is so high he can't really do that any more), band, and basically everything except.... his dislikes

Dislikes- Vegetables (not all of them and no one knows this because when they it that he just sucks it up), when he gets angry and he loses control, and that's basically it

Hobbies- Drawing, making/listening to music, watching anime, reading, cooking, making videos, playing video games, hanging out with gang and friends, and other stuff (sorry to lazy)
IQ- 654 (isn't he just a genius)

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