Chapter 2

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Kaito's pov~

After master gave me his location I quickly put my dish in the sink (after eating it of course) and rushed for the car keys. I can't wait to see my Kazu again! I drove to the airport and parked. I walked inside and was locking for the brunette. I finally found him a waved with both hands like crazy. He spotted me almost right away. He walked over with both his suitcases and I met him half way and tackled him in a hug which he gladly excepted. I let him go and looked up at him (because he's so tall) with stars in my eyes.

"Master!~ I missed you soooo much~""Hahahahaha ya I missed you too Kaito" he smiled and it made me melt and I see some of the people in this room

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"Master!~ I missed you soooo much~"
"Hahahahaha ya I missed you too Kaito" he smiled and it made me melt and I see some of the people in this room. I unconsciously glared and growled at them.
"Kaito is there something the matter? He asked full of care and worry.
"Huh?.... oh no I'm just happy your back master~"
He patted my hair and I leaned into his touch.
"*sigh* Kaito I said to call me Kazu"
"Oh sorry I can't help it"
"It's okay lets go alright"

Time skip~ (brought to you by Kaito's love for ice cream)

I parked in our drive way and got the bags for Kazu.
"Oh hey Kaito thank you but, could get those"
"Nope I got this you haven't been here in 8 years.... I want your first day a least to be the best and most relaxing because, you must be tired from your flight" I explained in a "as a matter a fact" tone.
"Hahahahah okay thank you"
We walked inside only to see the twins and Miku fighting.... again.
"Well at least nothings changed since I've last seen the place" Kazu said in a voice so every body can hear.
"MASTER!!!!" Everyone yelled in allusion.
Everyone tackled him in a hug (poor guy).
"Hey guys I'm back" he smiled warmly and brightly to everyone. I felt heat rising on my face and I knew everyone else did too. Kazu got up and grabbed his suitcases to take to his room.
"Listen guys I need to go pick someone up from school so I'm going to take my bike"

 "Listen guys I need to go pick someone up from school so I'm going to take my bike"

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Everyone was disappointed but, we all know we couldn't do anything about it.
"Okay master we will see you once you come back right?" Miku asked while tilting her head to the side lightly.
"Of course I'm not going to leave like last time"
"Okay see you later!"
Kazu went to the garage to grab his motorcycle and than took off.

Kazu's pov~

I finally arrived at the school; I parked my bike and walked inside. I believe she said that her club is in music room 3..... music room 1... 2 .... ah there it is music room 3! I knocked on the door (so polite) and an unfamiliar voice rang out "Um you may come in!" I grabbed the knob, pushed it down and went inside. Only to see everyone staring at me. Haruhi was the first one to break out of her trance. She ran towards me and engulfed me in a gentle embrace. She let me go and smiled brightly at me. I smiled back "Its  nice to-" I was cut off by loud squealing and whispering like "kya~ who is that he is so hot!" "Oh my god and look at that hair so long and beautiful; I just want to touch it!" or "What is Haruhi's relationship with him; he looked so happy to see him~" I noticed that everyone in the room where blushing madly I wonder why?....

A guy with blonde hair came up to me and, pulled Haruhi away. And yelled "Stop harassing my son!" Wait... what?

All of Host Club pov~

Why do I feel jealous when Haruhi hugged that very handsome stranger or when he smiled a caring and gentle smile to her..... why why can't he smile like that to ME .... wait am I gay?

Tamaki's pov~

I felt really jealous so I had to do something... I went over to them and pulled Haruhi behind me. "Stop harassing my son!" He tilted his head to the side and confusion was written on his sexy face; which I find very cute... wait what?....

Back to Kazu's pov~

Did he say son? No that can't be right I meet Haruhi's dad and talked to him earlier in the day..... Body guard? No. Umm maybe he just likes to think he's a dad? Yeah that's the best explanation.. "Uh oh okay..."
"*sigh* Tamaki-senpai let me go he wasn't harassing me; this is my friend and I asked him to pick me up from school today" Haruhi explained.
"But Haruhi you never know he could have a double life and actually be part of some mafia gang~" Tamaki whined.
I put a hand on his shoulder and he turned around to look at me. I gave him a reassuring smile "I'm glad Haruhi has a caring friend to look out for- I looked at Haruhi and saw the boys uniform-him but you don't have to worry about me okay"

3rd pov~

Tamaki blushed many shades of red and nodded "O-okay" than he looked away to hide his blush. Kyoya saw that it was closing time so he warned the guest "Excuse me but it is closing time so will you ladies be kind to go in a orderly fashion" whines where heard but they reluctantly went out. Haruhi grabbed her bag and walked to the doors with Kazu "Okay guys see you tomorrow!" And with that they left while leaving the host club to thinking We know we will see you but the question is will we see him again?.... we don't even know his name... ugh what is he dong to me they shook their heads while continuing doing what they were doing still thinking about Kazu.

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