All alone: 1911

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Listen to the song as you read the following chapter. Really gives you a feel of what Newt's going through.

Newt's P.O.V

Its been two days. I'm walking to the Hufflepuff common room when I bump into Oscar. I say bump into, what I mean is I full on ram into him. I'm taller than him but I'm still scared of him. He takes out his wand and points it at me. I begin to float.

"What do we have here? A scared salamander. Well, your girlfriend won't be here for you this time."

"It's Scamander. And, she's not my girlfriend. But she will come for me."

I wait for her soft but stern voice to tell Oscar to stop it. I wait for her to hex him into next year. I wait for her to save me.

But she doesn't.

Oscar smirks at me and undoes the spell. I fall onto the floor, brusing my head. He grabs my ginger curls and pulls my head up to speak to me.

"I told you Amber wouldn't come. She hates you. Everyone hates you. I mean, who could ever love a lonely, awkward, beast-like boy."

He drops my head and walks away. I wait for Amber to notice me and worry over me. For her sweet, sensitive voice to tell me that everything's alright. For Leta to promise that she'll hex Oscar into oblivion. For them both to say that Oscar's wrong.

But they don't.

I get up and run to the Hufflepuff common room, blinking back tears. Why did I have to lose my temper at Amber? I should've believed her. I'm so dumb.

I go to my dorm room (no one is in there) and sit on my bed. I pull out a book on Hippogriffs and begin to read it to take my mind off things. I get to a page on 'How to approach them' and see a line close to the edge fixed in the book. I stroke a finger along it and turn to the front cover.

'Hippogriffs: A Guide' stares out at me from the front. This is the book that Leta and Amber fixed for me in first year. It's how we became friends. All those years ago. I was so innocent back then. Not knowing what my future would be like. Not knowing my only ever friendship would fail.

I pull the covers over me as a few tears escape down my face. Oscar's right. How could anyone ever love me?

N.B: Hey readers! I decided to add a song in the side bar. It's One by Harry Nilsson (R.I.P). It's one of my favourite songs and I thought it fit this chapter perfectly.

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