Letters to a friend: 1912-1913

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Wednesday 2nd August 1912

Dear Leta,
I've got some great news!! I've been made a Prefect!!! I'm so excited!! I didn't think I'd be made one but I have! I can't wait to show you the badge! I'm so excited for 5th year!
From Amber

Saturday 5th August 1912

Dear Amber,
That's great news! Sadly I've not been made one but I'm happy for you all the same. I'm happy that your happy. Have you been in touch with Newt lately?
From Leta

To Leta,
No I haven't. I've been trying to forget about him and fourth year. It's not going to work out.
From Amber

To Amber,
Oh. Try and patch things up with him this year. See you tomorrow!
From Leta

Tuesday 12th August 1913

Dear Amber,
I just got my O.W.L results. Exceeding Expectations in everything!!! I can't wait to start our N.E.W.T's! What did you get?

Also, I'm experimenting with something. I'll show you at school.
From Leta

Dear Leta,
That's great! I got the same results too! I can't wait to start them too!

Also, please be careful with your experiment. I can't have you being expelled.

From Amber

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