Proving Him Wrong!

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The photo above is what Athena wears the following morning to school, she wears the sun glasses because she has a minor hangover.

I pull up at Forks High School once again. Damon had to leave early this morning to go back to Mystic Falls, I completely understand but it doesn't mean I won't miss him.

I step out of my car and notice Bella standing with the Cullens once again, she waves me over so I walk in her direction.

Once I arrive there, all the Cullens smile at me. I smile in response.

"Why the sun glasses, it isn't exactly sunny Athena." say Emmett with a smirk on his face.

I mentally cringe but reply in a monotone way. "I have a headache." He bursts out laughing which causes me to cringe slightly at the loud noice.

"I knew you were hungover, you can smell the Bourbon on you." he says with a chuckle I just stay quiet.

"Bourbon?? Isn't that quite a strong drink for a teenage girl." says Jasper with a gorgeous smile on his face.

"I like my drinks strong, but I think I went a bit overboard yesterday." I say quietly.

They all just chuckle at my response.
"So who was that dude you went off with yesterday?" asks Jasper.

"Oh that's just Damon, he's a bad influence but he's like a brother to me." I say with a smile of my face at the thought of Damon.

"Well he definitely sounds like a bad influence, allowing underage drinking, tut tut. " says Emmett with a signature smirk on his face.

"Well what can I say I like to live on the wild side. " I simply state with a chuckle.

"Lets get to class, wouldn't wanna be late, Athena what have you got first?" asks Alice in her pixie like voice.

I smile when I remember my first subject. "I have AP History first." Alice smiles and drags me towards the building.

"So do me, Bella and Jasper, we'll walk with you." I follow her towards our shared history lesson.

"So Athena, tell us more about yourself." says Alice with a cute smile on her face.

"There's not really much to say, but I'll answer any questions, so fire away." i say expecting Alice to drop the subject but that's the opposite of what she does.

"Do you have any family?" she asks sweetly.

"I have a real sister, lots of distant relatives and a few brotherly and sisterly figures but no not really, my parents pasted away ." I say without even the slightest bit of sadness.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that." she smiles apologetically but I just brush it off.

"No really it's fine, I'm long over it." I say slightly bitterly.

We arrive at our history lesson, walk inside and take our seats. Of course I am sat next to Jasper, which might I add, I am not disappointed about. He seems sweet and content but also lonely, like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders but only shows people he is carrying the weight of a feather. He seems lost in his own subconscious, lost in this world and I can't resist but want to help him find himself again.

"Okay class today we're going to be learning about World War 2.." Mr Brown starts the lesson, but I wasn't really listening, I was just staring of into space.

I stop when I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see it was Jasper who had pulled me out of my staring contest with the air.

"Hey are you okay?" he asks me with concern in his voice. I smile and reply simply.

"Yeah I'm okay thanks, so Jasper tell me more about yourself." I say trying to get to know him better.

"Well I like history, reading, baseball, football. What about you?" he smoothly replies with.

"Me, we'll I'm an open book, but I guess I like football, History and drinking, a lot of drinking.. " he chuckles and shakes his head in response.

"You got any dirty secrets Jasper?" I ask jokingly with a smirk on my face.

"Well that depends on who's asking..." he says while smirking. I was about to respond with a witty comeback when I'm interrupted by a loud cough.

"Hu hum, Miss Petrova,  Pearl Harbor?" Mr Brown asks with a smug look on his face.

"Err December 7th 1941, Sir." his face goes blank.

"Thank you Miss Petrova." he says directly at me with a glare.

I reply slyly and with the utmost confidence.

"Very well, the fall of the Berlin Wall?"

"1989, I'm good with dates sir." I answer almost instantaneously.

"Are you? How good?  Okay, Keep it to the year." he asks challengingly. I just nod my head in response, at this stage the whole class has turned around to watch.

"The Civil Rights Act."

"1964, Sir."

He thinks for a bit and then replies smugly.
"John F Kennedy Assassination."


"Martin Luther King." he asks stepping closer to me.

"68" I say quickly.

"Lincoln." he says vaguely.


"Roe vs Wade." he asks taking another step towards me.


"Brown vs Board." he asks again taking another intimidating step towards me.


"The Battle of Gettysburg" he finally reaches my desk and glares at me from above.


"The Korean War." he says will sending me daggers. If looks could kill I would be long dead.


"Ha! It ended in 52." He shouts while leaning over my desk to intimidate me.

"Actually Sir, it was 53." I say proudly as he walks back towards the front.

"Look it up, somebody, quickly!" He shouts. People start to pull their phones out to search the answer. I just lean back knowing I'm right.

A student from the front suddenly says: "It was 1953". Gasps are heard everywhere. I then receive a round of applause from the class and glares from Mr Brown.

Luckily for me, the bell rings and I quickly pack up and leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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