First Day Of A New Life.

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Athena had finally found a place, a place that no one from her past could find her, a place where she could be anyone. Although this place was named after a kitchen utensil it offered so much more than its mediocre name, it offered her a fresh start and believe me she really needed one.

She pulled up at the car park of Forks High School, ready to start her new life.

Athena's POV:

Forks: a town almost always covered by clouds of rain and thunder. A town so small most maps don't even show it, a town so cut of from the rest of the worst most people don't even know it exists, the perfect town for me to lay low.

I hop out of my black 1970 Dodge Charger and look over my outfit, I hope this is casual enough for high school. I'm still finding 21st century fashion hard, I've seen so many fashion phases that it's impossible to tell the difference anymore.

 I'm still finding 21st century fashion hard, I've seen so many fashion phases that it's impossible to tell the difference anymore

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I grab my bag and head towards the office. I ignore the stares I feel on my back and walk straight to the reception without a second thought.

When I arrive there I am greeted by a middle age women with a warm smile present on her face.
"Hello dear, are you new here?" it comes out more of a statement then a question but I respond anyway.
"Yes, I'm Athena Petrova, the new student here." She ruffles through a few papers and then pulls out a timetable and a signature slip. She hands them to me without hesitation, "Here you go Sweetie, get your teachers to sign the slip and return it by the end of the day. I hope you have a good first day." she says with a booming smile on her face.

I thank her and return the smile while slowly walking out of the reception area. I glance at my timetable and notice I have History first, if you haven't already guessed I'm pretty good at history seems as I lived through most of it.

I look up from my timetable and there stands a Asian boy with a big smile on his face. "Hey I'm Eric, you must be Athena Petrova, right?"

I nod in response, I have only been here 5 minutes and people already know my name, wow news really does travel fast.

"I'm the eyes and ears of this place, anything you want, I can do. Lunch date, shoulder to cry on, I got your back baby."

I cringe at the pet name, I have only known him a second and already he thinks he can use a nickname for me, how disrespectful.

"My names Athena not baby, and I think I'll pass, I'm more of a suffer in silence kinda person." His smile drops but he continues to talk.

"Oh I get it, anyway what have you got first I'll show you where to go." I smile in response.

"I have history" I say while still smiling.

"Oh cool so do I, maybe we could walk together. "

I walk to History with Eric making general chit chat along the way. When I arrive I walk in and hand my slip to my new teacher: Mr Brown.

"You can sit next to Mr Hale, Mr Hale raise your hand."
A young blonde raised his hand, I couldn't keep my eyes of him as I approached my new seating arrangements. I sat down, got my notebooks out and tried to play it cool.

"Hello, I'm Jasper Hale, you must be Athena Petrova" He said with a small smile playing on his lips. I smiled in return and then stuck my hand out for him to shake.

"Yeah,um, Hi, it's nice to meet you Jasper." I turn back around just in time for the lesson to start.

"Okay, so today we are going to be learning about the American Civil War." He started to write on the big black board located at the front of the room. After minutes of me writing he finally spoke up and picked on a poor girl for answers.

"Bella Swan, seems as you weren't listening, how many died in the civil war? "

The girl I now knew to be called Bella, thought nervously. "Ermmm, sorry Sir, I don't know."
The poor girl didn't deserve the embarrassment so I spoke up for her.

"Approximately 620,000 died in the civil war sir" My answer both shocked and angered the teacher, this time he directed his rage onto me.

"Thank You Miss Swan is it? Seems as you seem to know it all why don't we ask you a few questions huh?" I shrugged in response, this was going to be easy seems as I lived most of human history.

"When did the Korean War end?" He asked confidently almost not expecting an answer, I responded immediately.

"27 July 1953." I blurted out, which angered him even more.

"Who gave us the saying 'Taking the bull by its horns'?" My answer is instantaneous.

"Hercules, Sir"

"The battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the civil war in Mystic Falls, how many casualties resulted in this battle? "

"There was 346 casualties, unless your counting the local civilians."

He smiled in mistaken victory.
"Correct, expect there were no civilian casualties at that battle, there was.. ." I interrupted the rest of his sentence.

"Actually Sir there was 27 civilian casualties. Confederate soldiers fired on a church believing it to be housing weapons, they were wrong, it was a night of great loss. The founders archives are still in the Mystic Falls civil hall if you wanna brush up on your facts Mr Brown. "

I say the last part smugly, I hear a few gasps and giggles, I presume that people are going to be talking about this seems as Forks is such a small place they don't really have much to talk about around here.

The targeted girl; Bella looks towards me and mouths a 'thank you' , I just smiled back and mouth 'your welcome'.

Jasper turned to me with a smirk on his face as Mr Brown continues the lesson acting as if nothing had happened.

"Your very good with facts Miss. Petrova, care to elaborate? " He asks a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Underneath my rock hard exterior, I'm just a nerd." I chuckle the ending.

The rest of the lesson went by quickly, sir focused on teaching trying to recover from the grave embarrassment I just caused him.

Soon enough it was lunch and I was walking to the canteen to eat. I look around only to see Bella waving me over to her. I steadily walk towards the cute girl with a smile on my face.

"Hey Athena, is it? Thanks for what you did back there I swear I was about to have a heart attack. " I chuckle before responding.

"Don't worry about it, the teacher got what he deserved." Bella nodded and then continued to talk.
"So Ermmm do you wanna maybe sit with me?" She said shyly.

"I would love too." I quickly replied.
The rest of the day went by easily I spent most of it getting to know Bella: her likes, her dislikes, hobbies, interests, passions. It was educational to say the least.

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