Chapter 33

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Dumbfound I sat in our living room listening to how Ray explained how he and Nathaniel had to split up because there was a large group of rogues headed their way. Nathaniel had ordered Ray and a couple of fighters to bring my mother home, while he and the rest dealt with the rogues.

Truth be told, it was kind of impressive and somewhat expected that Joshua’s little army wasn’t that little at all. But the fact that he had another group, the size of a small army, waiting for Nathaniel was beyond crazy. 

The first thing I did after Ray explained everything, was send a group of fighters after Nathaniel. Just to make sure he was okay.

A question kept nagging me. I wanted to know how Joshua managed to gather such a large group of rogues and even have them follow his orders, something rogues never did.

“Look, I know Nate and I know what he’s capable of. The group that he was up against should have been a piece of cake for him. That was the only reason I was surprised not to see him here. I thought he would have taken then down faster to come back to you,” Ray shrugged.

“How did Joshua get so many rogues on his side?” I wasn’t asking someone in particular, I was just voicing my thoughts, but Ray answered me anyway.

“That’s easy. What do rogues yearn for most?”


“Exactly. All Joshua had to do to win them over was promise them a place where they could walk freely, without any Alpha trying to catch them for trespassing,” Ray explained.

If his words were correct than they were after Nathaniel’s territory as well. Joshua had set his eyes on my pack from the start. He never seemed interested in Nathaniel’s pack, only his fighters to help him take over my pack. So the fact that there was a large group of rogues waiting for Nathaniel’s arrival meant Joshua promised them Nathaniel’s territory.

As I processed everything I felt my body tremble from anger. “We need to find Nate,” I said through my teeth.

I shot out of my chair and headed for the door. Only when I went to step out of the room Ray grabbed me by my arm, stopping me from walking any further.


“Let go of my arm,” I told him calmly.

“Just listen to me, I get that you’re worried about him. If I hadn’t seen him multiple times in action before, I would be too. But the truth it, he’s one hell of a strong guy. He was already almost as strong as his father before he even got the Alpha title. So when I say he’s more than capable of taking care of himself.. I mean every single word of it,” Ray said, slowly letting go of my arm. “Besides, the pack is in a delicate state right now. If you go after Nate you’ll leave the pack without both its leaders, which could end up disastrously.”

Ray’s words got to me. He was right. Leaving was asking for more trouble than our pack could handle at the moment. We just had a battle a few hours ago. I couldn’t guarantee the pack would win if another battle were to happen, especially with both Nathaniel and me away.

“You’re right. I should’ve thought of that myself, but I guess when it comes to mates every rational thought flees the mind. Thank you, Ray, for stopping me,” I told him sincerely.

“I know what you mean,” Ray sighed and looked absentmindedly for a moment. I cleared my throat to get his attention, which worked perfectly. “Uh.. you’re welcome,” Ray said, composing himself.

I grew suspicious of his sudden uneasiness. “Is there something you’d like to share with me, Ray?”

Another sigh escaped Ray’s lips. This time he seemed bothered, which only made me worried about what he planned to say.

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