Chapter 2

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This was my first time ever going to school. Rosalie and Emmett insisted that they home school me and well with geniuses as family members my IQ shot well past 190 by the time I was 7. Because of this I never went to school well until now. Then again it was my choice to start, I wanted to try it out and have the chance to make friends or as uncle Edward experienced, find the love of my life.

I am a full grown hybrid but I've been posing as a 15 year old girl for 195 years. Because of my inhanced growth I was at my completed growth by age 5. I haven't aged since then which I was happy for because I didn't want to look older then anyone else in the coven, especially my cousin Ness. Nessie is my only friend. The only person I can tell everything to that doesn't already know it. Just like me she is a Hybrid.

Her story was sorta like mine except that her parents loved one another. Before her mother was a vampire she was human and her father a vampire. They fell in love and then they got married and during their honeymoon Nessie was concieved. After her birth Bella was changed so she could live. Uncle Edward and Aunt Bella inspire me deeply. I hoped to love like them some day.

It had been 200 years since I was last in Forks Washington. I was barely a few months old when we had left to go to Alaska. I was a few months but I looked around three years old. To Rosalie and Emmett who had always been just them I was their most valued part of their lives.

Many humans who see me compliment me and say I look like my mother -Rosalie- then again I sorta do. My long wavy blonde hair, my beautiful look, my stall stature and pale skin. The only thing I have that she doesn't is blood flowing through my veins, a hint of rosy cheeks and blue eyes.

As I stared out the passenger side window as the woods passed me by I realized this was a different pace of scenery. All my life I had been in big cities with bright lights and little or no green at all. Now it seems I was surrounded by it. Forks Washington, the town my birth mother fell in love with, but why?

My mother was taking me to school today, this should be great. I know nothing about this sort of thing but for some reason the thought of having my mother schufer me onto the campus made me feel suffocated.

In less than 15 minutes we pulled up outside of Forks Highschool. My mother confessed that they had rebuilt it and everything was brand new, thanks to Grandpa Carlisle generous donation. Because of this the mascot was changed from the Trojans to the Lions and the symbol was my family crest. I personally though it was a bit over the top but the school thought it wasn't enough.

"Welcome to Forks Highschool sweetie." Rosalie said as she got out of the car.

I looked up at the school and saw several kids glancing in my direction. Why were they looking over here? Then I remembered, my moms car. For some reason my mother decided she'd upgrade her car to a 2013 BMW M3. She got rid of her old red one by taking it on a crash course. When she was finished with it shrapnel and pieces of car where several feet at the bottom of the ocean.

I grabbed up my satchel bag that my aunt Alice bought me for my first day of school and slung it over my shoulder as I slipped from the car. I followed closely behind my mother as we entered the school and made our way up to registration to check in.

The woman at the desk knew immeadiately who my mother was and greeted her with open arms. I stood a few feet behind my mother as they chatted up and then finally I was released to go to my first class. On my way out I passed the door and saw Nessie hugging her parents before walking my way.

She stopped as she saw me in the door way and hugged me. "Hey how is your morning going?" Ness asked.

I smiled and nodded my head. "It's alright."

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