Chapter 11

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I dressed for bed and laid down while I thought about tomorrow. Saturday was less than 4 hours away. 4 hours until I turned 16. Tomorrow I would be celebrating my birthday party with people from school. Everyone but Rome. Why did I feel completely empty without him? I barely knew him but some how I felt in sync with him.

I rose to my feet to go to the bathroom. As I was coming back I slipped and caught myself on my bedroom dresser. That was close. As I righted myself again I stopped when I saw the package. The present that Rome had given me, I hadn't opened it.

I picked it up and walked over to my bed where I sat down before I began untying the strings. Inside the box was a white silk dress. It was simple but elegant and I could see myself in it. As I pulled the dress from the box another item fell from it and made a dull thud on the floor.

I reached down and picked it up. I easily recognized it as a copy of the book I saw on Rome's table. Romeo and Juliet. I turned it over and read the synopsis.

[Two prominent families (the Montagues and the Capulets) from the city of Verona are at war with one another. These families have battled against each other for quite some time, but things have recently become even worse. From these households, two people will fall in love, but their "star-cross’d" relationship will end in death. Once these two people die, the families will finally end their bitter feud.]

Weird I thought to myself. This sorta sounded like what my family and the Volturi -whoever they were- are going through, minus the love. Rome and I are certainly not in love, atleast not yet. Nor do I currently have any interest in him other than just being friends, which doesn't seem to be working out either.

I pondered on this book for several hours before I fell asleep a little after midnight. One of these days I might actually be intrigued enough to read it. That was one of the things I hated, reading. It was like watching tv in black and white with snow vision, talk about boring.

I have no idea what time it was but it was bright outside when my aunt Alice practically pounced on me in my sleep. Luckily for her she pinned my arms down because I would've attacked her. When I finished shouting obscene words at her she smiled and held up a garmet bag holding what I figured to be my party outfit.

Knowing Alice who had to have the perfect outfit for each occasion -including going out to get a new outfit- I had just inherited a new dress.

I rose slowly from my feet and followed her into my dressing room -that I never used- where she unzipped the garmet back and showed me the most elegantly designed blue periwinkle blue dress. My eyes sighed as the color overwhelmed me. Was it just me hallucinating or did the dress glow?

In less than five minutes I was showered and dressed in my new dress. Alice had me sitting in a chair seconds after so she could do my hair and makeup. Well more so hair because I didn't like the way makeup felt on my face so I just worke lipstick or lip gloss or atleast some chapstick. Hybrids get chapped lips too.

In another 15 minutes I was what Alice would call perfection. She even called up my mother to approve of my look which she thought was barely making the cut of appropriate. My mother didn't like me dressing seductive.

After everyone was done gawking over me I took some time to myself to look at my dress and my appearance. Is this what everyone else would see? As I headed down the hall to the staircase Alice stopped me once more and placed a tiara on my head.

"Now you are perfect" She beamed before she took my hand and pulled me downstairs before she placed her hands over my eyes.

Because I was too tall -pushing a fair 5ft 11- Alice who was a foot shorter than myself had to climb upon my back to do this. I laughed as she tried to give me instructions on how many steps to take and which way to turn. After running into a few walls she finally told me to stop before she hopped down uncovering my eyes.

I looked around at the room. It was beautiful. Extravagent. After doing another quick sweep with my eyes I realized those words didn't do justice on explaining the true beauty my eyes feasted upon.

The colors seemed to bleed into one another. Blues, purples, whites, reds. There was even a color that I thought was to be pink but Alice reassured me that it was magenta. Apparently there was a three tone difference between the two. To me it was all the same.

Sparkles covered the walls and lights caused them to shine brighter than ever. It was like the starry night sky running with a beautiful sunset. Sitting on a large pedestal that hung three feet from the ceiling was some kind of machine. I wonder what it did? Right by the door was a long table, this was for the presents I assumed because it already had a few items there.

My attention was grabbed as I heard several vehicles. In under five seconds the doors opened and in came the rest of my family. Jasper was first followed by Carlisle and Esme and then Nessie with her parents. They each in turn set a present on the table and disappeared somewhere into the house.

I heard Alice squeel excitedly and then she quickly turned on music, it was 'The Birthday Massacre and their song Goodnight.' I liked that song. Alice then zipped out of the room muttering about making sure the refreshments and food was set up perfectly.

Her idea of perfectly set food dishes were where the colors blended perfectly. Reds first then oranges, followed by yellows greens blues and then violets. She sorted everything by color, then food group and then by those that people preferred more. A waste of time if you asked me.

In less than 10 minutes atleast 47 of my guests arrived. In another 30 the house was packed with over 188 people who were socializing, eating, drinking pop and dancing to the music. 5 minutes later Alice came in and clicked a button on a small remote. The remote belonged to the machine I had seen earlier which was now spitting out mounds of foam. A foam party.

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