Chapter 2

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Thank you all so much for reading, shoutout to my co-author Lightningshitstorm I hope you enjoy!!!

There was a knock on the door; we all jumped up in shock because of how loud it was. Livia's mom slowly approached the door the knocking got louder until the door was finally pulled opened by Nelle. Standing in front of us was an officer, he gazed over to the couch where I sat, and he had a grin on his face whenever he saw me. I was scared but still felt safe knowing that I had Livia's mom to protect me, this wouldn't be the first time either, I got in a fight in school when I was twelve and she backed me up. I didn't eavesdrop on the conversation, instead I just looked at Livia, and she was worried just like me. Whenever the officer opened his mouth Nelle nodded to his words. I caught his name, it was Preston Farley, a tall gentleman he wasn't the same person who chased me before I came here.

"Young man, May you please come here?" the officer said pointing at me. I got up and walked over. My hands were shaking like a dog during a thunderstorm. Nelle went to sit with her daughter as I was slowly walking over trying to stall as much as possible. Officer Farley's foot was tapping impatiently waiting for me to get there. I was about a yard away, nervously shaking. "So young man, jasper I suppose, your mother told me what happened. Is it true that you tried to kill her with a kitchen knife? The man in the uniform said waiting for a response, I was shuttering I couldn't believe that she lied to the police!

"NO! It's not true, she was abusing me and I tried to get away from that monster of a mother. I even have the proof; I still have cuts and bruises on my body!!!" I yelled angry but yet so sadly. The officer nodded while taking notes on his little notebook which has a brown leather cover on each side. He asked me to repeat everything again but this time in more detail. "My alarm woke me up at half past six and since I'm not a morning person I threw the clock across the room and it hit a false wall, there was a small dent but nothing much. My mother then walked into the room and asked for an explanation; before I could answer she was already taking off her belt. She came over and started hitting me violently, I started weeping as loud as possible but she didn't stop until my body went motionless. She then exited the room and I wobbled to the bathroom to take a shower. After I climbed down the stairs to the basement and grabbed our cleaning products to wash my bloody bed. I had become so tired and powerless that I needed to go back to sleep. At about eight she returned, mad at me for not going to school. She was holding a baseball bat and then she had started batting practice with me being the ball. I couldn't take it anymore so I let out the window and ran as fast as possible." the officer nodded after every sentence. I was happy that it wasn't me who was going to get in trouble but I was still scared for my mother, who knows what the police could have done to her.

"Okay, so this is what's going to happen: we don't know where your mother is so you're going to stay here. I already talked to the owner of the house and she's okay with it. There will be squad cars outside so you will be safe. In two days if we don't find her you will come with us for more interrogation. It that fine with you?" the officer said, I agreed to his plan and he exited with a tip of his fake cowboy hat. I turned around and Livia was smiling and silent clapping. I walked over to her and pulled her into a worm bear hug, we were both overjoyed that I didn't get taken away.

"So where am I going to sleep? I think the couch would personally be the best option for all of us." I said while my grin from after the police left was still there. They nodded in agreement before Nelle went to their basement to get an extra pillow and blanket. When it became the chilly night, Nelle and her daughter went upstairs to sleep. I was officially alone downstairs; Nelle said that if I heard anything I could go tell them. I was tossing and turning during the night, it was hard to sleep even know I ran about seven miles that day. I saw that the upstairs light came to life as I heard a quiet squeaking sound like when you open an old door. There were small sounds coming down so I played dead even know I knew that there was no harm coming. I slowly opened my left eye and saw Livia in her night-gown. I felt my cheeks turn a light red of a reason that I didn't know, she looked over at me and noticed that I blushed.

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