Chapter 6

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"Prim! Wait!" Violet called after her friend. "What happened?"

"Some kids saying that I wasn't worthy of the Slytherin house and stuff." Primrose said while picking at her nails.

"Oh Prim." Violet knew how hard it was with most of Hogwarts hating her, but her own house too. "Wait, what kind of stuff?"

"They called me a blood traitor." Primrose mumbled, anger evident on her elegant features. "But why did you need me?"

"Oh you shall see. But we do need to stop at the Gryffindor common room to get Dahlia." the girls shared a groan as they approached the painting. Violet said the password, which Dumbledore gave her, and stepped inside.

"V, maybe I should just wait." Primrose started rubbing her hands nervously.

"Prim, we just need to ignore them and find Dahlia. Plus when we are alone we are easier targets."

The girls entered the common room and were greeted by stares. It had rapidly quieted down and everyone looked on in confusion and hatred towards the Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

"What's with the snake?" Primrose and Violet looked up to see the Marauders on the staircase.

"Oh no," Prim groaned faintly, not taking her eyes off the boys. Violet noted with satisfaction that James was holding a bag of ice on his nose.

"Shut it Black!" a redhead with emerald green eyes shouted from the couch in front of the fire.

"Lily-flower!" James called before running down the stairs.

"Potter." the girl, Lily, spat at James.

"Excuse me," Violet said softly. James glared daggers at the girls while Lily looked towards them.

"C'mon Evans. They are polluting the air." James hissed.

"You are such an arrogant toe-rag Potter" Lily seethed. "Hi, I'm Lily, muggle born Gryffindor."

"I'm Primrose, pure blood Slytherin." Primrose greeted shyly, immediately, the common room was filled with flares of pure hatred. "Oh yes I have another title as of 10 minutes ago. Blood traitor."

"I'm Violet, muggle born, Hufflepuff, also known as Prim's best friend" Violet looked between Lily an Prim, hoping for them to like each other.

"Violet, Prim? Why are you here?" a voice called from the stairway. It was Dahlia.

"Looking for you," Violet called, patting her backpack.

"Oh, one second. I just need to grab something."

"So where are you freaks going?" Sirius questioned with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Professor Dumbledore wanted to see us, and why are we freaks?" Violet replied smoothly.

"Because all Slytherins are freaks and you are a freak for defending a soon-to-be death eater" Sirius answered, his smirk growing every second.

"Let's go guys," Dahlia pushed passed the crowd, followed by Primrose and Violet.

"Why am I here?" Dahlia asked once they exited the common room.

"Oh time will tell." Violet replied airily.

"Hello Violet, Primrose, Dahlia." Professor Dumbledore greeted the children kindly before taking them to a wall. "Violet, would you please pave three times and think about what you want."

Violet began pacing, only thinking of a room for her friends to escape bullying. After the third pace, an ornate oak door began to form.

"Welcome to your new room," Dumbledore pushed open the door. A room the size of the Charms classroom was revealed. It held three black and white beds with the girls trunks.

"Thank you Professor!" Violet explain, as the other were shocked into a silence.

"You know what time breakfast is," Dumbledore said with a wink and closed the door.

"So we are now living together! I didn't want you guys to have to face anything alone because we are a team." Violet smiled and hugged her friends. Their eyes were shining with tears of happiness.


"It's perfect" the girls smiled before jumping on the bed.

"WE ARE ROOMIES!" Dahlia shouted, jumping up and down on her bed. All three girls burst into a fit of giggles before deciding to get ready for bed. Violet slipped on her grey shorts and black sweatshirt and threw her hair into a messy bun. Dahlia wore scarlet sweatpants and Primrose wore black leggings, both paired with a white shirt.

"V, thanks really!" Primrose gushed as she braided Dahlia's brown curls.

"I thought I was gonna die!" Dahlia exclaimed.

"The Puff's aren't half bad, some are just a bit too happy." Violet let out a laugh.

"All the Slytherin's do is talk about blood status and how they are better than everyone else."

"At least you don't have to deal with the Marauders." the girls groaned at the mention of the four boys.

"It really is mainly Black and Potter. Pettigrew sometimes, but what suprises me is Remus. He stands there and let's it happen." Violet sighed with disappointment at the boys she thought were her friends.

"To think I thought that we were gonna be friends," Primrose said with a small frown.

"How'd you guys meet?" Dahlia questioned the pair. All of this talk began to confuse her.

"Potter, Remus, Prim and I met in Diagon Alley." Violet explained.

"I get it. Are you guys gonna try out for the Quidditch team next year?" Dahlia exclaimed, using her hands to emphasis her excitement.

"Probably not," Violet muttered.

"I would love to be a Keeper" Prim announced. "But I would have to deal with everyone hating me for being on the team on top of being a Slytherin in the first place."

"I would be a Beater but that would mean working with Black," Dahlia spat the name.

"You guys are hopeless," Violet chuckled. Dahlia and Prim sent the girl fake glares and turned over. "Goodnight then,"

"Night Prim"


"Lia is currently sleeping, contact in the morning" Dahlia said softly through fake snores.

"Why did I want to live with you two" Violet littered before letting out a quiet chuckle.

The Five Flowers - A Marauders Era Story Where stories live. Discover now