Chapter 3: Hey

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"Where were you the entire recess?" the guys asked me, as I entered the classroom just minutes before the next period after recess started.

I sat on the bench, beside Kesha who was ignoring me, for what I don't even know "I failed physics and chemistry. Principal and the teachers wanted to talk."

"That sucks." Abhishek commented.

"What about you guys?" I asked them. Nothing can lift your mood better than your friends being miserable too along with you.

"I failed English." Rohan said.

"How can you fail English? It's so easy" Kesha said acidly.

"What about you Kesha?" Abhishek asked unexpectedly.

I don't know why but till date, Abhishek has never talked directly to Kesha.

Not believing Abhishek was talking to her, she said the truth instead of lying like she always does "I failed them all."

Rohan's jaw dropped "WHAT?"

Kesha shrugged and continued ignoring me.

I felt bad for her and was going to ask her how she was feeling, even though she was not talking to me, Abhishek said "Akeela, can you sit with Rohan today?"

I raised my eyebrows at him "Sure?"


I picked up my bag and dumped them on Rohan's lap. He took it and placed it on the rack.

"Do you reckon what they are talking about?" Rohan pointed at Kesha and Abhishek.

"Beats me" I whisper "Why didn't he ever talked to her before? Why now?"

Rohan grabbed my water bottle, drank a few sips and answered "I don't know either. Once I asked him and he just growled at me."

"Makes you wonder" I said.

"It does" he confirms.


"What's your deal today?" I ask Kesha, kicking the scooty for it to start.

I love winters but damn I hate how the engine gets cold everytime.

Adding to that Kesha hasn't talked to me still. I could kill her just for the sake to end these mind games. She wouldn't be standing here if I wasn't her only ride home.

"Speak up." I practically yell.

"Nothing. I'm sorry." she says and she looks sorry. But I know tomorrow she will do the same thing again and not tell me why. I love her, so I bear.

The school is already abandoned and all the buses are up and about. We are the only ones standing in the school parking lot.

"Kids" the gatekeeper shouts, ready to close the gate "Go home"

I smile sheepishly and thankfully the scooty starts. Kesha settles behind me and we are off to home.

On reaching home, I check up my instagram and do a mental somersault as my followers count crosses 1K.

I have got three personal messages.

One is from Rohan sharing with me a personal story of him in his sister's pants. I laugh at that.

Then there's this skinny Mumbai guy asking for nudes. I delete that.

Then there's Tishira. Her profile picture is the one Rohan took. I know it since I was there too. We had all decided to go on the beach to celebrate end of preboards.

The only thing I remember about that day is stuffing my stomach with Chinese Bhel.

She has sent me a fanart of Percabeth and a message underneath saying 'Hey'

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