Chapter 3: Vocal Gift

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After Leah and Trish had stopped interrogating me I soon made my way to the next class, ahead of them. Not so much annoyed by them I just need time to myself to re-think of what just happened. I swiftly pulled out my schedule out of the side of my bookbag, there it was "vocal". 

See, I always loved singing and still do, I just can't bring myself me to the point where I can do it in front of people without feeling worthless. I think I'm really sensitive to the opinions of others, especially when it's negative but not meant to seem negative. 

I am casually strolling through the halls finding my way to Mrs. King's room where we took Vocal. This will be my first year taking Vocal considering I had dance last year, which I dreaded to have every damn time I actually went to school. I see a couple of students already in the room so I make my way in, without hesitation I greet Mrs. King. I try my best to get a connection with teachers I suppose I'd come to love in the near future. Yes, I know "suck up",

Leah walks in and wastes no time taking her seat beside me. Mrs. King instructs that we all individually must sing in order to recieve a grade for our first class of Vocal. She asks who would like to sing first and the room is dead silent. Every soul that was once lively, is calm and steady; Mrs. King gets a bit tired of waiting and chooses Leah.

Ironically Leah didn't seem phased by it, and sung "If I Were a Boy" by Beyonce. After she is done the class starts to clap, out of respect of course. I must say Leah is an exceptional singer, slowly the turns for people to start singing started rotating and went quickly. About 18 minutes into the period, Harry comes almost in a hurry in class. His thick British accent is making apologies and handing her a late slip.

"And what is your name...?" She asks him

"Harry.....Harry Styles" he responds poetically.

"Ok, have a seat um beside those two young ladies" she points at Leah and I. Great. I don't know what I was more confused about the fact that Harry was sitting close to Leah and I or that he is in VOCAL? Out of all people I'd believe Harry would be the last one to sing. The thought of Harry singing made my cheeks heat up, obviously Leah noticed and made tiny gestures that only made me blush even more.

12 Minutes then escalated and Harry offered to go sing. He decides to sing 'isn't she lovely' by Stevie Wonder. Hmm that's interesting.

He starts:

 "Isn't she lovely, Isn't she wonderful, isn't she precious, less than one minute old, I never thought through love we'd be, making one as lovely as she, well isn't she lovely made from love".

And with that he belts the "love" part. I couldn't believe it Harry Styles has an astounding voice..for a guy...with a deep voice. I had then come to the realization I was the only one left to sing in the entire class. This not only means I'm making the last impression on everyone but that I have to sing in front of Harry. Why is it bothering me so much that I have to sing in front of him.

"Isabella hurry now, we don't have much time left". Mrs.Kings snaps me out of my thoughts.

I stutter out an 'ok' out of fear and nervousness. Here goes...I begin:

"Kiss me out of the bearded barley, Nightly, beside the green, green grass," My eyes lock onto Harry's green emeralds and I continue: " Swing Swing, Swing the spinning step, You wear those shoes and I'll wear that dress". I don't know what's coming over me but thing song came to me immediately.. subconsciously I am singing again with control out of my vocal chords:

"Oh, Kiss Me beneath the milky twilight, Lead me out on the moonlight floor, Lift your open hand, Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance, Silver moons sparkling, So kiss me".

Out of all the nerves I was feeling I din't notice the applauds from everyone in the class, and the applaud I'd have to say looked pretty genuine. Rare. Harry looks in shock with his cheeks red and his lips looking puffy, all he can do is crack a smile at me. 

He mouths to me 

"You're amazing" 

Then I couldn't take it I blushed uncontrollabley and buried my face in the palms of my hands. The bell rung and we were on our way toi History. Before I could quickly rush out of the room with Leah I feel a warm, yet familiar hand grasp onto my shoulder. 

"I love your song and music choice, you've really impressed me" Harry says with his thick british accent.

I shot him a smile and said " I'm not as amazing as you " I almost mirrored his cheeky personality. He blushed innocently and with that Leah and I ended our day. The whole ride home I couldn't pick up on the fact that I chose the song "Kiss Me" and better yet why it felt like I was singing to Harry...

I don't know what it is but this all seems to unreal for me...

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