Chapter 6: Expect The Unexpected

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As I read the words enprinted on their mail I immediately yanked my head towards my moms direction. "Seriously!?" is all I could really spit out. She put on a confused expression on her face, as soon as she was about to open her mouth the door was fully opened. 

"Hello, and you must be...Isabella? I'm told" A rather young woman greets us.

"Yes, and this is my mom which you probably already know" I spoke sarcastically shooting subtle glares at my mom.  I'm annoyed that sooner or later I will have to explain to my mom the whole situation with Harry. 

We make our way in greeting everyone in sight, surprisingly Harry is not there, or so I thought. I've come to find out that Harry has a sister named Gemma a step-father and of course his 'mum' Anne. I am a bit taken back at how nice and genuine these people were which reminded me quite a bit of Harry.

The thoughts escaped my very mind after that minty smell re-occured into my nostrils. It could be no other but Harold Edward Styles himself, gosh his smell was unique. He placed both of his large hands firmly on my shoulders and I guess he caught me staring. 

"Heeeellooooooooo Earth to Bell?" He murmers to himself. I grinned at him in delight.

"I'm here, I'm here" I put up my hands in defeat earning a chuckle from Harry himself. 

Harry was wearing a tight black shirt that exposed how perfectly sculpted he actually was and the mop on his head that are curls only intrigued me more. After making small talk we decided we'd head upstairs, don't worry I'm only going to take a peek at his room. 

As we reached the second floor of the house harry puts his hand on the door knob, but he looks at me in reassurence. He opens it with caution, like he was about to unleash a Lion. The door threw open and I was completely astonished. 

The room was absolutely flooded with band posters, notes, and personal photos. Although his room looked very boyish the area in which his bed was placed gave a sweet and innocent vibe something that is very strong in Harry's personality.

"Soooo....." Harry exclaims gesturing his arms around the room.

"It's so..different...sort of like you" I say not realizing what I have just said. 

"I always thought my room looked a bit rubbish but okay" He agrees with no sign of differed opinion.

"Well you should make yourself comfy I'm gonna head down and help my mum with dinner,yeah?" He says calmly. I nod my head softly. 

Hey I mean if I'm going to be in his room it won't hurt to look at what's in it right? I curl up into a ball at the edge of his bed and take a quick look at the books on his bookshelf. I must say for a boy he sure does enjoy romantic novels. 

Beside the bookshelf that I was intrigued by sat there a cabinet. It looked like it hasn't been opened in months. My curiousity got the best of me and I gave in, slowly opening the cabinet open was a complete mess of notes, journal entries, and a small silver key. I came across this one note in particular that caught my eye it read as follows:

To: MyLove

I miss you dearly and forever you will dwell in my heart, my heart aches everytime I think about you. I know me leaving England is hard on the both of us but we have to move on, forever in my heart, Lou. 

Yours Truly, Curly

My mouth was wide open after reading the last bits of the letter. I didn't know Harry leaving the UK would also result in him leaving his lover? And the fact that his lover actuality a boy, I suppose? I mean "Lou?" seriously? All of my feelings were pushed away from Harry, I felt myself slowly becoming isolated. I have no idea why I am feeling utterly sick, a subtle type of envy is growing upon me, I feel it. 

I wonder why Harry would hide such a thing from me, especially something like his sexuality. I actually don't know if he's gay, I mean he could be Bisexual. Or maybe I'm just telling myself that so I can feel better about the chances, Of Him and I. I should've known it was too good to be true.

I was so engulfed in my own thoughts I had not realized the notes scattered on my lap and Harry made his way in the room. He froze right in his tracks as soon as he saw his love letter in clear sight of my eyes. 

He looked embarresed yet angered that I had gone through his stuff. I'm so stupid I should've had thought this through.

"I'll just leave" I said barely audible. I quickly and lightly made my way to the dining table which I presumed dinner was being served, and it was. I had no emotion on my face and refused to speak throughout the entire night. 

Harry came down shortly after with red puffy eyes and did not eat much, just played with his food a bit and taking a swig of his water every now and then. I feel absolutely horrible, and I did it to myself to make it worse. After dinner my mom decided to gather her things and we were on our way out. All I could see was Harry with his hands in this pockets and slowly making his way up the stairs, his hair hanging low. 

At the sight my heart dropped, I can't stand to see him this way. My mom eventually tugged my arm and we were on our way out we said our goodbye's and thankyou's to the Styles Family. That was probably the first and last time I'd ever visit again. My mom made no effort to speak to me during the car ride she could tell when I was upset or not in the mood. 

As soon as we reached home I jolted up the stairs and leaped on top of my bed, burrying my head in my pillow. Tears escaped my eyes soon soaking patches of my pillow. But I didn't care all I could possibly think about was '' My phone lit up a few times but I ignored it, I just wanted to depart myself from the world right now. 

I am a terrible person....

 [A/N]: Btw guys this Harry is prior X-Factor so this is like 2010 Harold. Fetus Harry as we'd like to say. The girl I am using for this Fic is also MadisonBeer. Sooooo yeah you guys should comment xD 

- And tell me how you like this fic so far. kbye x

IG: reminiscingstyle


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