Chapter 7: Not Broken, Just Bent

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The couple of days that have passed by have been completely dry and uneventful. I honestly blame myself for it. If I hadn't been such a curious idiot I wouldn't be in this situation. We do not exchange looks nor do we even make the effort to talk to eachother.

Strangely enough as much as we didn't even know each other that well, I found him growing on me slowly and now that's all gone. I am just one of those people who cannot decide on good judgement. I am babbling here like an idiot on my bed practically drowning myself in water. After taking the long lasting gulps that danced in my throat, I decided I'd go to sleep.

Maybe just maybe this will all be gone, sooner than I expect.

*         *          *

I wake up the next morning feeling like absolute crap. I don't even feel alive, just there, sort of like a couch. Nothing really has a purpose until you give it that specific purpose and well I'm jusy silly old Isabella. I yanked the sheets beneath my slender legs and let my legs dangle of each sides of the bed. When I overcame my laziness I physically dragged myself out of bed, as much as I didn't want to. 

In all of this crazyness that I call my life I feel like I'm losing myself, not entirely, just who I am as a person. I arch my back and recieve some sort of relief from it, gradually I am able to get up and go about my daily routines. 

As soon as I came in contact with my rooms doorknob my iPhone went off, great. Now that I've come to think of it, I haven't payed much attention to it at all, in fact I had about 120 unread messages.Surprising I know, I don't have much friends. 

It's a call from a blocked number? This should be interesting...

"Hello?" I speak hesitantly

"Hello is this Isabella?" the familiar voice echos

"Um, yes may I ask who's spea-" I am stumbled

"Oh, yes darling this is Harry's mum or Anne we met just a few nights ago" she cuts me off.

"Uhuh" signalling her to continue

"Harry hasn't been eating these past few days and he's looking rather pale more often, I thought since you both got on so well maybe you'd know what's wrong" She says sympathetically

"I-ll I'll  come after school" I didn't realize the words escaping my mouth. I quickly covered my mouth as if someone was watching me. 

"Great, you can stay for supper if you like" And with that I said my goodbye's and hung up. 

I am such an idiot. I don't even know if Harry will even accept me talking to him. I charge down the stocky stairs of my house and go on with my day. Just lovely...

*        *        *

As I am leaving the school area I abandon Trish and Leah again, I do feel rather terrible for my distance but I have only one thing on my mind: The Styles Household. It's actually kind of funny, I didn't get such anxiety about visiting a place, the last time I've felt like this is when I had to get my shots at the doctor(s). 

I count the blocks in my head reminiscing to myself about the good times in my life, yet none of them amount to all the joy I feel with a boy I've met just a few DAYS ago. I trip over a small rock and collide with the concrete. 

As everything blurs in and out I hear a faint chuckle, a feminine chuckle. I then see a womanly figure help me up. 


"That's my name, love" Anne responds. Her cheeky attitude is just like Harry's, this must be where he get's it from. Not another form of dialogue is spoken and we enter the house. The air is much heavier and not as lively as I remembered it. But then again everywhere I've been it's felt so alike. She leads me to Harry's bedroom and before she opens it she sort of sends me a lopsided smile, 

I am contemplating on whether or not I should open this door, but without given my mind enough time to reason I open it. Harry is laying in bed completely colorless,tasteless, and just seems down right drained. Wow he really is pale as Anne describes him. 

He turns towards my direction and his eyes dialate at the sight of my prescence. I am mostly avoiding eye contact when he finally mutters.

"Come over h-ere" he says in a very deep unfamiliar raspy voice.

I did as he instructed slowly yet obediantly. 

"Look Harry I'm sorry I really am I shoudln'-" I was cut off by a set of fingers closing my lips shut. Harry grinned lazily and began to speak. 

"You don't have to apologize I should've told you before hand" He goes on "Even though we just met I think I should've at least let you in on that". I nod in sync with his. 

"Harry I don't know where my feelngs are right now but I think I sort of .... l i k e y o u? I said in seperated sounds, barely audible. 

"I think I like you too, a lot, more than I should" He says with his husky voice making my cheeks blush. I guess he noticed because I could feel the tension between us slowly arising. 

"Look at me, love" He says so sincerely. I've never felt this way in my entire life he is killing every barrier I built up from this, and now it's happening. I turn to meet a set of green truthful eyes examine my body. His eyes are a complete shade lighter and look purified. 

He shifts barely noticable and examines me a bit more. Both of our lips evidently plump and pink in this moment, we are sharing something, I don't ever want this feeling to go away. 

He rests his large hands on my waist giving me his piercing look of his. Before I could figure out what to say a pair of warm and soft lips make comfort to mine. Our lips subconsciously move in unision and he pulls back slowly and seductively. 

"I think I feel better now" He says cheekily, gosh that winning smile of his. 

"I do too" Is all I could mutter out.

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[A/N]: Well telllll meee in the comments if you guys liked the outcome of this chapter. I feel a little uneasy about the writing here but hey I tried. So yeah give me some comments and such etc. 

ig: reminiscingstyles


did you guys like the #Hisabella moment? (;

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