Birthday hug

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When Harry got the crowd to call Louis "boo bear" while singing happy birthday. I'm not crying I swear...😶😶

Harry's pov

Crawling sneakily out of the bed, I went to my closet where I'd hidden Louis's birthday presents for his special day. I made sure to be quiet as I pulled out the bag and smirked as I turned around, examining his peaceful body. All I could hear was his light breaths with a slight snore every now and then; I could confirm that being around Louis when he sleeps is one of the most comforting things ever. I laid back into the bed and played with his hair. I soon found myself tugging away my fingers as his eyes opened. "Morning" his voice was raspy and fuck it turned me on. "Good morning, birthday boy" I flickered my view from his eyes to his stubble before biting my lip. "You still remember" Louis seemed content and relieved- as if I'd forget his birthday.
"Hmmm no I totally don't remember. Tomorrow is Christmas and that's obviously the only thing to be excited about" I sarcastically spoke, watching him chuckle before I continued, "let's go and wake up the others". "Wait" Louis enthusiastically grabbed my arm. After minutes of silence, he finally revealed that he had an idea.

"So I'm just going to put this cream in Niall's face?" I ask innocently. He just nodded in return as we tip toed into Niall's room. We both stopped in shock as we saw Niall already sitting up, scrolling on his phone. "Happy birth- wait why have you got a plate of cream in your hand? Oh you little shits , you tried to get me! Lucky I was already awake" he shook his head playfully and laughed to himself.
"Guess we're getting Liam instead" I mumbled to Louis before taking the lead.
Once we got downstairs and saw Liam sleeping on the sofa, the guilt hit me. I felt awful doing this to someone I'd just met so I handed Louis the plate instead. Without any hesitation, he planted it in Liam's face and howled in entertainment as Liam slowly woke up. "Wha- oh Louis. I can't even be mad. Happy birthday Tommo" he sprung up and began to chase the short boy with his water bottle. "Don't get water all over the house please!" I yelled, hoping that they'd actually listen.

Liam and Louis left to play football at the park while me and Niall stayed home. They insisted we came but we decided to stay. We're going around Liam's later so we could celebrate Louis's birthday and then they would come to ours tomorrow again for Christmas. For Louis's birthday I had brought him an Adidas hoodie, some Jake Bugg concert tickets and some new shoes. Then for Christmas, I got him a dressing gown with slippers, a blanket to match mine I'd brought myself and a few more Adidas bits. I sat watching the TV with Niall, enjoying the conversation until my phone buzzed.

Ashtonirwin followed you on Instagram

Weird. I know I saw him yesterday but we haven't spoken to each other properly in ages.

Ashtonirwin: the reason we broke up was distance, that's been solved so I think we should go for a drink sometime if that guy doesn't mind :)

Even weirder. I couldn't be rude and ask why he was suddenly being like this so I was just polite.

Harrystyles: sure, we'll figure out something soon

I hoped the conversation had ended there until again.

Ashtonirwin: so how's your life? We should catch up.

"Who's that keeping you busy?" Niall smiled as I threw my glance up from the screen.
"Ashton. I saw him yesterday in a shop now he's messaging me" I bluntly stated, the blonde boy not looking too impressed. "Well I know it hurt you when you broke up last time...through no fault of either of yours. Just be careful, Louis wouldn't be too happy" he rolled his eyes before returning to the TV. I mean there was no harm in rekindling a friendship with Ashton right?

Harrystyles: good, and yourself?
Ashtonirwin: I mean everything's great with me. So your relationship with Lewis?
Ashtonirwin: I really hope I remembered his name right
Harrystyles: it's Louis as in loo-ee☺️and we're not together why would you think that?
Ashtonirwin: he just seemed protective over you
Harrystyles: really?

Maybe this wasn't as bad as I thought. Talking about Louis was one of the main things I did to be honest. My phone buzzed again, I left it a little thinking it was Ashton until I saw Louis's name flash across my screen so I rapidly unlocked my phone.

Louist91: what time are you heading to Liam's?
Harrystyles: whenever you're back at his and finished with football.
Louist91: start leaving now, we've just arrived to his, love.
Louist91: I can't wait to see you even though I saw you this morning
Harrystyles: same like just to think we started like this, on DM. Now we're as close as ever
Louist91: you're so talkative on here compared to real life
Harrystyles: I'm just shy
Louist91: let me fix that for you😉

"Right they have just arrived to Liam's. Lets get Louis's presents and go" I rearranged my crouch as I somehow felt slightly aroused at Louis's comment and I didn't want it to show. "I'll go grab his stuff from me now. You got yours?" I nodded in response so he ran upstairs to get his things.

When we arrived at Liam's door, I felt shy again. Louis always managed to make me feel really shy but loud at the same time. I had the urge to kiss him but that couldn't happen. "You two alright?" Louis answered the door. He was wearing an oversized sweater and a pair of jogging bottoms. I immediately eyed him flirtatiously as I attempted to walk in the house. Doing so, my large feet caught on the step and I tripped so Louis had to steady me. I began to blush hard. Why do I have to make a fool of myself every time? "That was close" he held me up straight with his hands on my shoulders as I just nervously laughed. Behind me, I heard Niall snickering at my poor attempt to make Louis want me. To avoid awkwardness, I lead the way into the front room as I heard Louis mutter to himself while smiling "What a dork".

We all sat around Liam's living room then Niall suddenly yelled "Here you go Louis. Happy birthday!"
Niall passed Louis a poorly wrapped present which Louis gave a judging look towards. "I can't wrap okay?" Niall clarified, slightly laughing. Louis joined in, "Thankyou, Nigel" he kindly gave Niall a quick hug as he unwrapped the personalised Doncaster football kit which had the number "28" on the back. "You're welcome, Lewis" Niall simply smiled back. I giggled to myself at the memory of earlier on Ashton thinking Louis's name was "Lewis" over text. "What's so funny, Styles?" Louis broke my thought as he gave me an intense stare. "Nothing. Here you go" I passed him my carefully wrapped presents. With each one he unwrapped, I saw the smile reaching his eyes. "Thankyou so much, Haz" Louis hugged me, rubbing his face into my neck. I just blushed in return as I watched Liam pass Louis his present.

At around 11pm, Niall and I got ready to leave. "Bye Louis, bye Liam" Niall waved as he bro-hugged them both and walked out. "Bye Liam" I nodded as I gave him a quick bro-hug. "Bye Louis" I continued, giving him a meaningful hug. "See you on Christmas" he winked. When I was about to leave, he tapped my shoulder. In my dreams, he would've turned around and kissed me- but this was reality. "Don't trip this time" he stuck his tongue out jokingly as I laughed.

"I really wish I could be with Louis" I huffed and spoke to myself as I sat in my bed, turning out the light.

You should check out my best friend's writing! She's a great writer and she updates often. Her book she's writing right now is a Larry fic and I hope you give it a try and like it. Her account is rockme28
Oh yeah she didn't ask for this shoutout I just thought she deserved it!

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