Of course// last chapter!!!

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31st December

Louis's pov

Harry and I left it till about 7 in the evening before leaving to meet the others at Harry and Niall's place. Harry unsurprisingly took a lot to my house for just a two night stay; I wouldn't expect any different from him. "Niall texted me what they want from the Chinese takeaway shop and they want us to pick it up" Harry began, then carried on after his phone buzzed. "Oh, he's in a good mood. He has offered to pay the whole lot and said we can help ourselves."
"Guess someone had their payday today. We can help ourselves? Let's do just that" I chuckled.

Louist91: thanks for offering to pay mate!!

I decided to send him a quick message.

Niallhoran: no problem

"No Louis we can't get too much!" Harry exclaimed, laughing.
"Harry, please. It's New Year's Eve, we're not paying and there's no such thing as 'too much Chinese takeaway' just enjoy yourself" I patted his shoulder supportively.
"F..fine" Harry gave in before leaving the car to go and get the food. I noticed he left his phone behind so I smirked before grabbing it to spam his camera roll with selfies.
It vibrated in my hands and I frowned at the notification jealously.

Ashtonirwin: I kind of feel like I might still have feelings for you. What would you say to a date sometime? 😊🤘xx

As wrong as it was, I quickly typed a message from Harry's account and sent it. I'd just delete the chat before Harry saw it, not tell him and pretend to know nothing about the situation.

Harrystyles: I'm sorry but I'm already seeing someone.

Within seconds I got a response.

Ashtonirwin: oh sorry, I hope we can remain friends though. Hope you and whoever you're seeing are well x

Ashton seemed nice so I felt bad doing this- but I couldn't have no competition. I began writing back until a big hand snatched the phone from me. "What are you doing on my phone, cheeky?" Harry started to read though the messages as he passed the takeaway bags to me.

Shit, I've been caught.

"I...I...I" I stuttered as I had no idea what to say, his green eyes caught up to mine. He frowned then smirked cockily, "Who am I seeing?" Harry licked his lips suggestively and his eyes turned dark, real dark. He was normally dorky, that's why this version of him would always send shivers up my spine.
"I...don't know. I'm sorry Harry, I-" I threw my head down in shame and frustration. He then pulled my face up and left us less than inches away.
"Kiss me" he sternly spoke.
"But I-" I interjected.
"Kiss. Me. Louis." Harry stubbornly pauses between each word.
"Wait till midnight. Be my New Years kiss" I examined his lips, I was tempted to drop that last thought and just do it now.
"Well I want to practice" he took me by surprise and closed the gap between us. My hands immediately went to his hair, dropping the bag to the car floor. This was the moment I've been waiting for and it was great. His luscious lips worked perfectly against mine and I couldn't get enough of his kiss. I moaned on accident allowing his tongue into my mouth. As much as I didn't want this to end, we have tonight and I'm breathless. I pulled away, panting slightly. "No, come to mine quickly" he motioned towards the bulge in his jeans and I nodded submissively.

"We can't be too long, they'll know somethings up and the food will go cold." I gulped.
"Just a blowjob then please. Look I'm desperate for you, Lou" he almost moaned in sight of me dropping to my knees as he unzipped his jeans quickly.


"Let's get back to the boys" Harry acted like everything didn't just happen and rubbed my knee with his palm before starting the car.
I still felt myself shaking a little and my heart was beating rapidly. I felt like my heart was going at 1000 bpm.

"Took you two enough time, Harry messaged us saying he was in the shop about to leave like 40 minutes ago. It's literally a 10 minute drive" Niall's face was confused, a little frustrated but relieved we're back.
"Traffic I guess" I lied immediately.
Niall subtly pulled me into the kitchen to serve the food and whispered, "yeah that was the most obvious lie. You're all sweaty, Lou. Are you okay? What really happened?"
"He kissed me." I muttered, still being a little dishonest. I couldn't tell him I sucked off his close friend...
"What?!" the blonde boy shouted excitedly.
"Shh, I don't want them hearing us." I shushed him then returned to the counter to put everything onto plates.

"I'll take Liam's first, you take Harry's" Niall winked at me and I mouthed a 'fuck you'.
"Harry" I placed the plate carefully on his lap and was awarded a sweet smile.
"Liam" Niall imitated me jokingly.
We went to the kitchen again to get ours then we all sat in the living room and ate.
"You alright there Harry? You seem a little...nervous" Niall smirked at me and looked over to Harry who was uncomfortably fixing his crouch.
"I am fine. Yes fine. 100% fine. Great actually" Harry began to ramble.
"So what should we watch?" Liam picked up the remote and flicked through the channels, putting Harry out of his embarrassing misery. Shit...did Harry tell Liam when I told Niall about the kiss? If he told him, what part?
"Put on the music channels then in a few hours the New Years countdown thing will start" Niall grinned.

Harry had been acting distant with me almost all night and it was 11:57pm now. What if he didn't want to kiss me anymore? Had I made him uncomfortable? I scooted closer to him and happily said "3 minutes lads!"
"Harry, are you looking forward to next year?" Niall deliberately asked Harry who looked distracted.
"Uh...uh...of course" he seemed so nervous and I felt guilty.

2 minutes

1 minute

I pulled out my phone to record the last 10 seconds of this year on snapchat to put on my story.

"10" we chanted as I recorded the boys.





"5" I'm guessing he changed his mind about the New Years kiss.





1st January

My recording stopped as my phone suddenly dropped. Harry grabbed my face and kissed me gently and softly unlike earlier. Niall and Liam turned around, both grins on their faces.

"Finally!" they shouted in unison as we continued.

I once again fiddled with his brown locks then pulled away. He intertwined my hand with his before revealing a teethy smile.

"Of course I'm looking forward to this year, I have you." Harry looked tempted to kiss me again but didn't want to make the two cooing boys feel awkward so he pulled me into his arms instead.

So that's the end of this story! When I first started writing this chapter, I had no idea it'd be the last. I guess that's just how it flowed.

I saw the video with the whole pap/Louis case. I'm so pissed about that. So Louis accidentally falling over, bringing the pap who harassing him down aswell NOT ON PURPOSE means HE should be arrested?? It should be the pap who gets arrested like Steve said, they can do their job without shoving a camera in someone's face! Them girls who were attacking aswell, they don't have to pay £16,000 ($20,000) bail but Louis does.

I really hope he's okay and I send my love to him, his family and everyone on his side who's been affected by this.

On a brighter note...

Thank you so much for reading my stories and voting. I really hope you liked this and if you did feel free to check out my other stories

One direction (+Larry) one shots
Truth or dare (Larry)


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