You know what?
I don't understand
I don't understand why
You're still speaking to him
I don't understand why
You two still laugh together
I don't understand how
You are still on good terms with
Any of them.
It's not my place
To understand.
It's your choice,
And theirs
Whether they
Trust him or not.
I may not like it or him
But I support and trust you.
So I won't understand why
You're still speaking to him
I won't understand why
You two still laugh together
I won't understand how
You are still on good terms with
Any of them.
I know I don't
Know him
Or any of them
But I can't bring myself
To like or trust any of them.
I hope you understand
As I try to understand
And love you
And protect you
But still remember that
You do have a mind
And feeling
And heart
Of your own.
Puisisnapshots of my thoughts in poetry and little writings. © 2013 by anxieti. All rights reserved.