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(To be continued)

(Prince's POV)

Oh girl I got a secret place that we can go

'Cause I really wanna be alone

Baby nobody else gotta know

Just meet me later on the low

Don't tell me I'm a heartbreaker

'Cause girl my heart's breaking

Don't tell me I'm a heartbreaker

'Cause girl my heart's breaking

I was at home listening to sad songs while getting ready. I still cant get over aniya. The way she talks, laughs, smiles, eveyrthing. I tried to find someone else but i kept screwing up cause i end up calling them aniya and they get heated and throw water at me. Its been a week since i thought about the plan which was to kidnapp aniya and make her mine but i cant do that unless im beyond pissed. Roc has been giving me death glares like he is finna do something but i just brush it off. Prod and ray dont mess with me unless there leader tells them to. It's this new kid in our class name Corhan Lockridge and he has been getting pretty close with aniya which makes me sad. All the girls in class stay on his dick like thirsty much. I havent been talking to anybody latley but corhan has been tryin to be friends with me. I mean sometimes we hang out after school and chill, then yesterday he said he was gonna ask aniya out. My face turned a bright shade of red yesterday.

(Skipping to at school-at locker)

Prince-(at locker pulling out books)

Corhan-(walks up) Yo wassup prince(daps me)

Prince-(daps back)Hey corhan wassup

Corhan- Well i have great news(starts smiling)I asked her out and she said yes!

Prince-(fake smiles)Oh yay great for you

Corhan- Ikr i've been waiting to get a lil piece of dat if you no wat i mean...(bites lip)

Prince-(looking confused)Umm no i dont know what you mean(I actually did no what he meant i just wanted him to explain)

Corhan- All i wanna do is fuck her and leave. My plan is to be all romantic then i flirt. Then next thing you know she's moaning my name. Then im out!

Prince-I dont think you should do that. Thats not how you treat a girl

Corhan-(gets mad)You should be the one to talk yea i hear things about yo stalkin ass

Prince-(gets mad and drops books)Listen you little shit dont ever think about going through with that stupid plan of yours. She is meant to be with someone who makes her happy, someone who lightens up her day, and someone she can call the bae.

Corhan-(chuckles)Har de har your so funny. What is this a love story shut the fuck up. You actually think she would go for you. Your a fucking creep, you got no swag, your stupid, and you stalk people. I'll do whatever i want.(walks away)

He wouldnt no love if it hit him on the fuckin head.  He is stupid he thinks he can just treat someone like that and easily get away with it. That pisses me of. I think i should warn here oh there she is..

Prince-Hey umm aniya can i talk to you for a minute

Aniya-yea  what do you want?


Prince-Corhan isnt good

Aniya- Are you seriouslly prince what the fuck are you trying to prove. He has been keeping me happy other than you out there stalkin people. Leave me alone

Prince- But he is gon(GCO)

Aniya- Just stfu and get out my face(walks away)

Stubborn ass bitch ----_----She literally cant here me out for one minute damn she is so fuckin annoying. But dont worry when corhan breaks her little heart she can go cryin to someone else....

(Roc's POV)

Yea i saw what just went down i was hiding behind the wall it was funny as shit. But she really should have let him talk doe, like damn. I was thinking last night maybe i should call it truths with prince i dont even know why i bully him he just seemed nerdy and weird. Imma go apolgize.

Roc-(runs over to prince's locker)Yo prince can i talk to you man?

Prince-What do you wanna bring my self-esteem down some more to

Roc-Listen i just wanna call it truths. I dont even know why i bully you. I was a jerk for that and i still am a jerk. I overheard you trynna tell aniya something but her stubborn ass wasnt listening. But what were you gonna tell her?

Prince-Alrite corhan was talkin to me in tha hallway and said all he wants to do is fuck her and leave. I was trying to warn her but she wouldnt even hear me out.

Roc-(gets pissed)Alrite so what we about to do

Prince-Were gonna trick corhan ok so since you got the muscles. You are gonna walk up to aniya's house and make sure and dress really good so she drools. Then you keep staring at her in a flirty way then go for it. When corhan pulls up to the house and sees this he is gonna be mad.. I cant do it cause she is beyond mad at me

Roc-Well i did much worst i fuckin raped her

Prince-Well i was stalkin her

Roc-Listen we both did some bad ass shit so we have to find someone else to do this.

Prince- Alrite

Roc- This just might work. But lets do this 2mmorow. i gtg to class

Prince-Alrite bye roc

Roc-(smiles)Bye my new friend(daps him)

Prince-(smiles and daps back)

Hey this could be a start of a new friendship that was unexpected...


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