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I open my eyes slowly, getting my vision right.  Ame just finished wrapping around his chest a piece of cloth soaked in blood. A strong herbal scent makes my nose tingle and i can feel the uncomfortable sneez that's coming any second. Is almost day time, the sun is rising behind the trees, finally the light makes me sneeze.
Ameyt who's chewing and pressing some herbs in a bowl turns to me. His right cheek is bleeding fresh but his neck is stained with dry drips of blood.
A: You sure like to sleep a lot, i wonder why you hate being called a princess since you clearly act like one.
He smirks in a mocking way but i'm too dizzy to say anything back.
A: can you stand up? How are you feeling?
O: i'm.. i'm fine.
I look beyond Ame's shoulder seeing my clothes on a string. Takes me a few seconds then i look at my naked body peeking through a cloth.
O: what happend to my clothes?..
Ame is focused on the bowl, slowly mixing the herbs.
A: You saved my life ..and i owe you one.. your clothes were washed because you got splashed with blood and then passed out.What happend?
O: I don't know, that never happend before..
A: with that kind of power..
O: please, stop talking about it, it makes me feel uncomfortable.
I pull the piece of cloth tighter around my body then i notice him trying to apply the herb mixture on his cheek, struggling.
I sit on both of my knees in front of him and hold his hand down meaning "let me do it", he nods and hands me the bowl.
I wet a piece of cloth and slowly clean his face with it. Then with two fingers dipped in the mixture i slowly rub the wound, it probably stings watching Ameyt's reaction to my touch, i think to myself. He looks away.
O: i'm done ..did you treat your chest properly?
A: i did..  i guess the wound was much deeper here, i couldn't stop it from bleeding. I have medical supplies but i'm not very good at it..if you could put in some stiches that would help a lot.
I tell him to lay down as i go look for a medical bag. I start stiching his wounds and clean it with water. The bleeding is almost stopped.
O: i saved your life and you owe me one, as you said..i have a request.
He looks at me surprised almost regretting his choices from last night.
A: and what would that be princess?
O: take me North, where every 4 weeks there are lights sparkling in the distance..
A: no.
O: ..no? Why not?
Ame gets up and starts putting his clothes back on. He doesn't want to answear my question, he is even avoinding my eyes.
O: why not Ameyt?
He sighs deeply, a thing that he does often when talking with me.
A: North is dangerous for fauns, you can't even fight!
O: i killed a wolf..
A: and passed out right after. You would not survive there, you are too naive, child.
O: you can train me! I say full of hope.
A: you saved my life once, not twice, taking you North is already a huge favour, teaching you how to fight is another deal already. I'm not doing it.
O: is there a price for your services? Anything it is.. please.
Ame smirks measuring my body up and down, with a cheeky look on his face he comes closer pulling me by my waist.
A: what if the price is..your body?
I'm taked off guard and i freez, not knowing what to do. Ameyt burst out in laughter then turn around and grabs my clothes off the string.
A: i can't believe you even said that.. don't say "anything" if you cant give anything. Stuff like that would get you killed in North. Here put your clothes on and lets g-
He turns towards me and stops laughing at the sight of my naked body. I dropped the cloth around it and even thought im shaking, i can do it.
O: v- very well. Do whatever you want to ..with it. My voice trembles.
A: Are you an idiot?! He walks fast towards me, grabs the cloth off the ground and rolls it around my naked body. This is exactly what i was saying.. i can't take you North, you would be used and killed in few minutes..

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