What song you sing to them🌚

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Jhope: perfect two~auburn

Rapmonster: against the current~ something you need

Yoongi: can't stand it~ NeverShoutNever

Jungkook: you cant sing xD so you lip sync got7~just right

Tae: against the current~ closer,faster

Jimin: Alessia cara~I'm yours

Jin: Alessia cara~ scars to your beautiful

Boi hi, some of these songs are for a reason jins and jungkooks are for a reason, they actually doubt themselves a lot and yes I know i used two Alessia cara songs and two against the current songs but all these songs I love and I definitely recommend against the current.

Btw thank you so much for 18k!! Youre actually the best!
Love youuu

I'm actually so Fuqing happyyy

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