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dean nervously glanced at castiel who laid in bed anxiously.

"we'll only be a minute," lisa promised, nodding assuringly. with that, dean left the hospital room, messing with his hands and the rings he had on his fingers, pulling them off and putting them back on repeatedly.

once they were seated a good distance from the room, lisa sighed, placing her face in her hands and rubbing her temples.


"lisa, i'm so sorry! it's just, cas is in the hospital, and i got worried because i care for the kid, so i rushed over as soon as i could, and i-"

"dean!" she snapped, quite tired of hearing his accuses. breathing in deeply, she continued: "it's fine. crowley explained. i know now why you care for castiel so much... and it's okay dean."

dean stayed silent for a moment, biting his lip and looking down sadly, placing his hands behind his back. when he looked up, his eyes were slightly teary, because he had never meant for things to end up this way.

"you know..?"

lisa nodded, the setting dismal as she rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. "listen... when i said i loved you, i meant it. and there's nothing in me that doubts you hadn't either. but things change, people change, feelings change and... and life just gets in the way dean. and i understand. and it's fine if i'm not the one making you happy anymore, it is. i just wish you would've told me."

hesitating, dean opened his mouth to say something, only to be hushed gently by lisa. "i want you happy dean," she smiled slightly, tears falling from her soft eyes to her cheeks," even if it's not with me. and he may not know just how serious your feelings are, but i do. and i know you do too. so i came here... to let you go."

with no words to say, dean embraced lisa, holding her close and finally allowing himself to cry a few tears also. "i'm so sorry..." he muttered, accidentally sobbing some when he spoke.

all the brunette did was shake her head and pet his hair," don't be."

they separated, wiping their faces quickly as some doctor and nurses began passing. 

"so this is it?" dean questioned.

all she did was nod, grabbing dean's hand and squeezing it reassuringly. "now go back in there and tell him everything dean. you both deserve the simplicity of it."

dean squeezed her hand before letting her fingers fall like sand between you palms at the beach. he went to walk away, but quickly turned back around to face her, "thank you lis."

"don't thank me dean."

and with that, they parted ways. dean walked slowly back to his love's room, relieved and feeling a little sadness at all that's happened; however, once he entered that room where sammy and cas were giggling, kevin smiling fondly, and ACDC was playing ever so quietly, dean felt something he hadn't in a long time.


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