Chapter 4 ~ Hey, Big Boy!

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Looking out the mini window on the plane, I noticed how beautiful it was to be flying in the clouds. The sun was setting on the horizon, leaving sun-streaked clouds. It reminded me of this saying I used to read so often until the point where it was engraved in my mind. The sky is God’s canvas, and the sunsets are his art. A small smile adorned my face as I thought about the old days. After reading that quote, I would always think about how every sunset is different, thus every day is different. If you really look back, you would see how amazing life really is.

Feeling someone poking my cheek, I moved my eyes slightly to the left to witness Jewls, smiling sweetly at me with her perfect white teeth.

I raised my eyebrows warily. I was fully aware of all the things she can do. “What... ?”

She smirked, “Want to hear a dirty pick-up line?” She then proceeded to pout her lips and widen her bright emerald eyes, successfully making the cutest puppy dog face in the world. “Pleaaseee Riana?”

Nevertheless, my face formed into a look of pure horror. “No! They always-“

“Baby, I’m like a firefighter, I find ‘em hot and leave ‘em wet!” She cut in by shouting gleefully, successfully gaining full attention of half the passengers on the plane. Their jaws dropped as they gave us weird looks and mean glares before diverting their attention to something else.

I dropped my head on my hands and groaned.

A chuckle suddenly filled the air, causing my head to immediately whip back up toward the owner of the sound. My jaw went slightly ajar as I took in the appearance of this fine male specimen sitting in the seat to the right. His slender body had some muscle going on, but he lacked the muscle that would suit a guy like him, showing his 15 or 16 year age. He had high cheek bones, accompanied with a strong, muscular jaw begging for my touch. With the diamond stud pierced in his ear, it supported the black/red snapback covering his short dark blonde hair. One word popped in my head as I gazed upon him. As much as the overly-used word annoys me to no end, he is a spitting image of swag. Too bad he was too young for me.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer.”

I blinked, realizing I was staring at him longer than I should be. My cheeks flamed from embarrassment as I quickly reverted my eyes to the suddenly interesting looking ground.

From the corner of my eyes, I could make out his cocky grin as he gazed upon me. I scowled. Oh, so he’s cocky? Two can play at that game. Looking back up with new determination, I met his stunning, hazel eyes--which, I might add, had beautiful specks of pure silver around the iris -- and responded with a cocky grin of my own. “No thanks, it’s not worth keeping.”

A loud snort came from Jewls as his grin completely wiped off his face. I smirked.

I could hear the smile in her voice as she elbowed me in the side, “You just crushed the poor guy’s ego.” I sent her a wink, causing her to snort once again.

Something must have clicked in his head because his eyes lit up and the infamous cocky grin returned on his face.

“Who wouldn’t want a memory of this,” he gestured to his body before continuing, “cause if I was a girl, I sure as hell would want every piece I could get! I mean c’mon, look at me!” He flexed his arms, trying to get his point across. “Look at these guns!”

I bursted out laughing, successfully throwing spit on his face while doing so. He was too conceited for his own good. A confused expression mixed with a little disgust took over his face--which I admit, made him look that much cuter, but if I told him that I’m pretty sure his ego would explode.

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