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Jessie Hopper's eyes flew open at the sweet, yet frightening sound of another person's voice echoing off the trees surrounding her.

She hadn't heard anything except her own breathing and the shrill screams of the unknown in months. The voice brought a certain peace to Jessie, it was almost comforting to have another person there with her after being alone for so long.

Yet the nagging feeling in her gut caused the brunette to frown. She wouldn't wish being trapped in this hell upon her greatest enemy. A certain sadness that she just can't shake floods over her as she thinks of another person being doomed to a life trapped in this world. The feeling made her heart skip a beat as terrible thoughts flooded her mind.

Who was that?

Rather, what was that?

"Hello?" The brunette warily calls out in reply, pushing every gruesome thought from her mind as she stands from her curled up position. She balances herself on the balls of her feet, preparing herself to run if needed. She knew there was danger in replying, but any self control she once had evaporated into the isolation that had taken her prisoner.

"Nancy, is that you?" The voice calls again, causing Jessie to jump at how much closer the voice sounded now that she was standing. Whoever was with her was close, and their voice sounded so familiar to the teen that it nearly drove her mad.

"My name is Jessie! Are you okay?" Despite herself, Jessie Hopper felt the need to help whoever she had heard. Voices tugged and pulled at her brain, pleading with her not to go any further, but she couldn't live with herself if she let someone else get hurt in this hell.

"Jessie Hopper?"

The brunette's brows furrow at this, pushing a branch out of her face as she feels her stomach drop slightly. She couldn't tell if the butterflies that were swirling in her gut were from fear or relief.

This person, or thing, knew her name.

"Yes?" Jessie replies warily, pushing one more branch out of her face before being greeted by the familiar sight of Steve Harrington's pool.

The teen knew better though, this was not Steve's pool. This was not Hawkins, this was not the town in which Jessie Hopper grew up. This was a cold, indescribable, hellish place that sheltered monsters. It was not a home to anything but pure evil.

Jessie takes a few cautious steps towards the vacant pool, putting her guard up just incase she was walking right into a trap. "Who's there? How do you know my name?" The blue eyed teen took one last step towards the pool, peeking over the edge to see a sight she'd wished she hadn't.

There in the darkness stood her old friend Barbara Holland, too mesmorized by the new universe to realize Jessie had replied.

Meanwhile, Jessie's hands flew to cover her mouth as a sob escaped her throat, "Barb? Oh my goodness, no! You shouldn't be here. It isn't safe!"

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