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     "No, Jessie! Help!"

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"No, Jessie! Help!"

Jessie wasn't sure what shook her more, the fact that there was no monster behind her as she turned around, or the screams that erupted from the direction in which she had just ran away from.

Her hands shook as she stopped running, dropping to her knees as tears streamed down her cheeks. She couldn't distract the monster long enough for Barb to get away. Barb was now facing death, and it was Jessie's fault.


"No, Barb! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" The words spill from my mouth as I let the tears fall freely. Her screams begin to die out and I can't hold in the sobs that rack my body. I know she's dead when the silence that I had grown accustomed to wraps its arms back around me.

How could I have been so stupid, so careless? I made it my job to protect her and I couldn't even do that.

My fight or flight instincts begin to kick in, picking me up off of the forest floor. I couldn't let Barb's death be for nothing. I have to get the hell out of here. I can't sit here anymore, feeling sorry for myself, while other people are dying. Barb was brought here somehow, hell I was brought here somehow. There has to be a way out that I never saw before.

With that thought on my mind I take a breath and take off running once again. The dull, lifeless trees tower over me menacingly, all looking the same. I begin to feel claustraphobic as I stop, turning around to analyze my surroundings, praying for a way out of this place to show itself.

Everything looks the same. Every tree, every vine, every cloud- like identical copies in my crazed state.

I shake my head, my eyes glazing over with unshed tears as I realize I'm lost. I sigh, rubbing the tears away with the dirt clad sleeve of my t-shirt as I lean on the nearest tree. I sigh again, my self pity turning to anger as I push myself off the tree, raking my hands through my hair as hot, angry tears fall from my eyes. I pace back and forth infront of the tree, trying to pull myself together. Now isn't the time to act like a helpless baby, I need to fight. That's the only way I'll be able to make it out alive.

Part of me doesn't want to make it out alive, though. The scared little girl inside of me just wants to huddle up again and wait for death to take me like it had taken Barb.

How could I ever believe that I was important enough to make it back out when Barb couldn't? When Will was missing? When I know that even if I escape I'll never be the person that I used to be again?

"Get a grip!" I shout at myself, looking up to the sky before kicking the tree infront of me angrily. My eyes widen as the bark cracks, a hollow sound echoing off of the surrounding trees. I fall to my knees, pulling bits of bark away from the tree as quickly as my hands will allow me.

I eventually create a large enough hole for me to climb through, tears stinging my eyes as I let out a gleeful laugh. My way out has been so close this whole time and I never even had a clue. All of the times I had searched for a way out and it was right under my nose.

uʍop-ǝpısdn → s. harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now