Chapter 12 - I Did What I Had to Do

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We are fighting back. I found that out a couple days ago.

Carl was laying on my bedroom floor in the morning, waiting for me to get up. When I finally did he sat on the end of my bed and just told me everything. I don't know how long he went on and on for. He told me about all of the places and people he had seen and lost, and how he didn't want to leave this place. He complained about his father being a dumb-ass and just told me how uterly pissed off he was that he wasn't allowed to fight. He even told me about how he felt when all of the people he knew had died. How this felt so much worse.

This place was home. Now it was being sacrificed because of his dad's ignorance.

I barely followed everything that he was saying to me. Some of it made sense and some of it didn't. He just needed to vent, and I just needed to listen. So that's exactly what I did.

I wasn't sure if he was right, but I knew for a fact that he was upset, so I wasn't going to question it.

He just seemed so hurt. It killed me to see him like that. But it was amazing to know how much he trusted me. It was just under the worst of circumstances.

We were all told to pack, so we all did seperately, leaving eachother to collect the things that mattered the most to us and put them once again at risk.

I took all of my picture frames and put them back into my duffle bag, as well as my clothes back into it, as well. The last thing I take is to put in my bag is the photo out form my pillow case. I take it and put it carefully in between the clothes, and feel around my bag for my locket.

On my twelth birthday, my mom went out to get me something for my birthday. Considering the circumstances, she could really take anything she wanted. She went to a jewelry store and found a locket that she thought I would love. It was a heart with a silver chain and was silver itself, a little gold rim on the outside of the heart. There was a key that belongs to it as well, but I think I lost it either somewhere in this bag or somewhere in a supermarket.

I take the necklace and try to put it around my neck but fail miserabley. I go next door to Carl, who is also packing and hold it up to him. He stands from his bed and looks at it, taking it in his hand and motioning for me to turn around. I do just that, lifting my hair in my hand so he can hook it around my neck. He gets the hook on and grazes his hand along the back of my neck making me shiver. I turn around and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Where'd you get that? I've never seen it before." he says, completely nonchalant, as if having his arms around me is the most normal thing in the world. I reciprocate and put my hands on his forearms.

"Um, my mom got it for me. She told me only to wear it when I'm scared. That it'll give me hope and security. It has a really small picture of her and my dad on the inside of it, but I don't know where the key to open it is," I explain. He just nods slowly, taking the necklace in his hand.

"How come you always wear dresses?" he asks, trying to lighten the mood, obviously noticing the dress I was wearing now. We sway back and forth a little.

"You know, I couldn't really give you a reason if I wanted to," I say, a smile plastered on my face.

He leans forward and kisses my forehead, and I feel it tingle when his lips leave. He slowly releases his contact from my waist and grabs my hands, placing his forehead on mine. "You're scared, then?" he asks.

I pause, not really sure. "I don't know. I guess I am." I say. We envelopes me in his arms, hugging me close.

"I am, too."


After we were both done packing, we walked outside to put our bagsin the car. I walked behind him, and when Rick tried to grab him, he just shoved him off. I gave Rick an apologetic look as I followed Carl to the car, both of us giving our things to Beth.

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