{11} Wait

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~Adeles pov~

"Do you still love him?"

There was a pang in my heart.


My mind wandered off, searching for the right answer.

"I loved him before. He was my first true love, and it wasn't too long ago when he left me for a better woman. Someone who gave him what I didn't. Someone who I hope doesn't begin to make the same mistake I did. No, I don't love him anymore. He has done things..." I trailed off at the thought of the bruises.

'Tell him.'


"He hit me... he's beaten me. Threw punches and kicks at me until I can't breathe," tears were leaving streaks down my face. "You've seen the bruises. That was all him. He's hurt me in too many ways. I can't even think of him without getting sick."

"I should've never asked. I'm sorry." Simon apologized.

"It needed to come out soon Simon. It's not a big deal."

"This is a huge deal Adele. He should be in jail for what he did," Simon said, very obviously trying to keep calm.

"I couldn't bring myself to talk about it though. I thought I could just get away with hiding it. I didn't want to remember what happened."

"Adele, if you kept to yourself and didn't turn him in, it's just going to give him another chance to do it again."

"I'm sorry Simon..."

"Don't ever apologize for this kind of situation. Ever. What he did was nowhere near your fault. Don't ever blame yourself for what happened."

"But I-"

He pulled me into a tight hug, showing no signs of letting go anytime soon. The comfort I find in this man is indescribable. He is so welcoming and caring its unbelievable. He knows just what I need, when I need it. He will always be there for me.

Tears started to make their way down my cheeks and onto his t-shirt. I sobbed quietly onto him, trying not to linger on the negative.

"Thank you" was all I said.

"The pleasure is always mine Delly" he said lovingly.

I climbed into his lap and cuddled into his chest, breathing his scent in. He secured his arms around me protectively. 

My breathing started to slow and soon enough, sleep took over me.

~Time Skip
             3 months~    (A/n cause i am running low right now on what to write, be patient please yall)

~Adele's pov~

"So, what is this guy like? You haven't seemed to be interested in mentioning him to me, your mother. You've been very happy these past few months Del, when were you going to tell me? It makes my heart so happy to see you glowing after Alex. I know you see that difference too. Why wouldn't you tell me?" my mother pushed.

"I don't know... honestly. We were just kind of out of touch I guess. We're usually always up to date on one another but we kinda fell behind," I giggled.

"Okay, I guess I'll have to let it slide this time" she smirked.

"Thank you very much. Now, what do you want to hear?"

"I don't know maybe his name," she laughed.

"Simon. Simon Konecki."

"Your face just lit up. That's amazing Del. That sparkle you get in your eyes gives off how much he means to you. And I never saw that with Alex. I knew he was no good," she frowned.


"Fine fine, I'm just saying though."

"Speaking of Alex..."

"What? What happened," she suddenly looked worried.

I thought about telling her. I mean she deserves to know right? She's my bloody mum for crying out loud. Just say it. Get it out of the way.

"He beat me..."

"Adele. When did this happen? This should've been something you should've told me when it happened. What the hell did he do to you?"

"I'm not going into detail but he did leave bruises. Simon had seen them like the day after it had happened, but not on purpose."

"I'm not happy with you right now Del. I'm sure you know that but I don't think any less of you. I love you so much my girl. I'm asking you as your mother to keep in touch as much as possible. Please Del."

"I will mum, I promise," I smiled at her.

She smiled back. As we stood from the couch, she pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you so so much Adele."

"I love you too  mum."

"Now, one last thing," she said, pulling back to look at me, "when do I get the pleasure to meet this Simon?"

"Over dinner sounds good," I suggested.

"Tomorrow okay?"

"Tomorrow is fine."

"Tomorrow it is then," she smiled sweetly at me.

"Be at my house, say 6:30?"

"That'll work."

"Okay, love you mum," I said, making my way to the door.

"Love you too baby."

I walked out, closing the door behind me. I then headed to my car and went home to wait on Simon to get back from work.

He gets off at 5:30 and usually goes to his house to freshen up before coming here.

I'll make him some dinner for when he gets here.

I walked in and hung my keys, then went to the kitchen to start making some lasagna.

As I cooked, I wondered about how my mum was going to interrogate poor Simon tomorrow. I laughed at the thought.

Honestly, I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm excited for my mum to meet my "boyfriend".

I say that because I'm not sure what the hell he's waiting for, but I guess a man can have his reasons. I'm just stuck here, waiting patiently.

All I can do... is wait.

A/N hey ya'll, I'm so sorry for not updating for so long. Few things going on in life have got me thinking... I'll try to start updating more frequently. I'll try. Love you guys and I'll see you in the next update, byeeee!
~Danaye :)

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