Bryan <3 Taylor

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Bryan took me out to his car and started saying" Taylor I really like you, I knew it could be true love when I first meet you I wanna know would be my girlfriend" I told him I like you to and yes. he started to lean in to me and started to kiss me. it fełt so magical it was my first kiss. I got nervous and told him I'm sorry I'll be right back and ran inside and grabbed Allison, Makayla, and Ashley and ran to my room.

Ashley was saying what up what happen did he hurt you I said no. He asked me out. what did you say said Allison. Yes then he leaned in and started to kiss me I got nervous and came to you guys.

Makayla said first get a mint then I want you to go back out there and have fun. I told her ok and went back out there. I was really nervous to be alone out there with him so I ask him to come back inside.

Bryan's pov

I grabbed Taylor and took her outside and started to kiss her. she started to run inside I wasn't sure if she liked me anymore so I waited a minute to see if she come back out she didn't so I started my car and was about to leave but then the front door open and it was her.

Taylor's pov

We went inside and started to party. I tried to forgot about the kiss and everything. I went to go get a slice of pizza when I got a text from my mother saying her plane got canceled and there staying in a hotel tonight and won't be home tell tomorrow morning.

I told my friends and we were worried cause this house is such a mess. I told Bryan and he was trying to get everyone out even tho it's only 10:44.

After everyone was gone Bryan said he was going to help us clean up. I text my mother to see if the girls can stay the night she said she didn't care.

We let Bailee outside to go potty. after we got the house cleaned Bryan was talking to me saying he was sorry. I told him it's fine I just got nervous.

Bryan went home and we fell asleep and Bailee was in our room with us I swear she's the cutest.

My mother woke me up by screaming

"What went on here, why is this house such a mess". I open my eyes wake up the girls and I say wait a minute where's Bailee.

My mother said she found a dog downstairs running around eating everything. we got up let Bailee out and explained how we got bailee.

She said that she not ours and that there's a family probably looking for her. my mother said we had to take her to the pound and see if there is a owner and if there isn't we can keep her.

I drove girls Bailee and I to the pound and check they said they had no idea and that if we wanted to we can put posters and if nobody claims her we can have her.

We went back to the house and made posters and put them online. Ashley had to go home after a while cause she had to go to her cousins wedding. Allison had to take her father to the eye doctors. And Makayla she had nothing to do so she had to crash Bryan's and I first date.

Bryan took me out to the bowling ally then out to dinner at cool hand Luke's. I had a garden salad with some sliders, Bryan had a stake and Makayla had a hamburger with fries.

Bryan dropped Makayla and I off at my house and Makayla spent the night.

Tomorrow was my enter view at the park. It was exciting cause I really need the money to go to college I'm a straight A student so I think I can get into any college I apply.

My first college choice was Denver university, my second college choice is U.C.Davis and my third choice is Yuba college.

I went to sleep at one in the morning cause I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. When I woke up I got in the shower, brush my hair and teeth and put on a nice outfit.

Makayla and I drove to the field. and when we got there Makayla got ask by a guy to take a walk with him so now I'm alone answering questions I don't know.

(Authors note)

Did you think the mother was mad because the party mess, wrong it was the cute little dog.

Do you think Taylor is going to get the job do you think not comment please and I'll add your name in the story.

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