Beacon's Assassin: Part 6: Admittance

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Beacon's Assassin Part 6: Admittance

Third POV:

Class ends and you walk out of Goodwitches class after doing some training and watching some past fights from the VYTAL festival. The first year Haven academy won, the fifth year Atlas won the thirteenth year was the first Beacon won and the festival. As the years went on the four kingdoms have had their share of claiming victory.

Everyone was surprised when they saw you sparring with Cardin. He hasn't been forgiven yet by the entire class however some people like you and Velvet have since forgiven him. During the spar you taught him how to blocker better and use stronger attacks without having the force of your attack mess you up. He seemed to improve more.

Yang was still recovering from her injuries the previous week and so she had to sit out for a while in order to not open any of her cuts or bruise herself more. Her bruises were mostly gone except for one on her cheek and a few on her side. She still had cuts on her arms and legs though they were healing. She wore longer clothes to cover them up.

Yang: Wait up Brett!

You look back and smile at her but keep walking away.

Yang: Are you serious!? Come on! I expect you to listen to me more!

You walk up to the rooftop and look out at the city thinking back to the events of the previous week and how emotional it was. The tol it took on you and your esteem. Yang silently walks up to you and attacks you from behind jumping on your back. You nearly fall over and drop her but catch her and your balance back.

Yang: Surprise!

Brett: Aaaaa! You are sneaky!

Yang: Well I figured I'd get you back for ignoring me.

Brett: Fair enough.

You look at yang for a moment then back out to Vale.

Yang: So why are you up here? Something bothering you?

Brett: No. However I do have a question. I noticed it two weeks ago.

Yang: Okay?

Brett: Why did you throw two airplanes off the roof?

Yang looks out to the city with a very small hint of sadness in her face. But keeps happy.

Yang: It was something (y/n) always did with his exams after he got them. I always thought it was weird in the time.

Brett: So you were just commemorating him?

Yang: Yep yep!.

Brett: Why do you say that?

Yang: Say what?

Brett" Yepyep."

Yang: I don't know. I just like saying that.

Brett: Well it's certainly unique.

Yang: Are you implying there is something wrong with it.

Yang looks to you and folds her arms looking annoyed. You back up a little and hold your arms in surrender.

Brett: No! Not at all! I'm ust curious.

Yang looks at you suspiciously before looking away and huffing.

You sigh in relief and at her scepticism.

Brett: Anyways, do you have any exam papers.

Yang: As a matter of fact, I do.

Brett: Let me see your score.

Yang: Why? I'm sure it's not the best grade.

Brett: That's not why i want to see it.

Beacon's Assassin: The New Assignment (RWBY. Yang x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now