Chapter Seven

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I lazily open my eyes, instantly squinting at the bright light. My head throbs intensely, making the struggle to open my eyes that bit tougher. Oh gosh, I must've had too much to drink. How could I have been so irresponsible? Actually, now that I think about it, I can't seem to remember anything after my conversation with Benedict. What on earth happened last night?

I hear a sudden knock on the door and I force my eyes open, struggling against the bright light.

"Come in," I manage to groan out.

I spot Benedict walk into the room and I stand up in shock. Where the heck am I? I look around to find myself in his bedroom. I quickly look under the covers to realise that I'm not wearing my dress anymore, but yes one of his t-shirts, which looks a little baggy on me.

"I didn't undress you, if that's what you're wondering," Benedict assures, as he approaches me with a tray of food. "I brought you breakfast. Figured you'd be awake by now and would be hungry."

I ignored the fact that he brought me breakfast, struggling to believe that he didn't undress me. "If you didn't undress me, then who did?"

"You did. I have no idea how because you were drunk out of your mind, but you managed." Benedict smiles kindly. "Now, eat. It will help with the hangover."

I stare down at the tray. Strawberries cut into neat pieces, red berries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries all filled one single bowl; banana pieces were placed into a separate bowl, drizzled with honey; a piece of toast rested on a plate, a fried egg placed on top; and a glass of what I presume to be apple juice on the side.

"Wow," I whisper out. "Thank you, Ben. No one's ever done this for me. It looks great."

He smiles with pride. "I have a habit of laying everything out neatly when I'm trying to impress someone." He hesitates before saying the next part. "I took a cooking course in university."

"Well, this isn't necessarily cooking, but I'm impressed so far."

He smiles sweetly at me. "By the way, I apologise for how our conversation went down last night. I was a little too cocky for my liking. Alcohol had been in my system, and I was feeling irritated."

"Well, you know what they say, your true self emerges after a couple of drinks," I joke.

A mischievous smirk forms on his lips. "That would explain your flirting. So, you do have a thing for me?"

"What? No!"

"But you just said--."

"Forget what I said. I'm obviously wrong."

Benedict chuckles lightheartedly. "You're so easy to wind up, I love it."

"Hush, child. I'm enjoying my breakfast, now leave."

"Yes, Boss!"

He goes to leave his room, when Leslie appears by the doorframe, a stern look upon her usual smiley face.

"Les, hi," Benedict greets awkwardly.

"Care to explain?" Leslie asks.

"What is there to explain apart from the fact that I took care of her and you last night?"

"Why is she here, Ben?"

"She came here in her own free will. I slept in the spare room."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that she got changed herself and face planted this bed, instantly falling asleep, before I had a say in it. Therefore, I took the spare room."

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