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Subaru is standing annoyingly in front of the school entrance. He keeps on looking at his watch and thinking the things worst. " Why hasn't she come back yet? ... Is she... " He complains in a low voice. Suddenly, a car appears and stops in front of him. Yume and Cayenne step out from the car together happily, seems like they have a nice chat together just now. This irritates the nerve of Subaru. He gives out a faked smile to them, " Are your work going well? Nice... " Yume notice the unusual smile of him, so she leaves Cayenne to his side quickly. She hugs his arm tightly and shows her most powerful smile to him, " I am sooo hungry after the briefing of the TV show! Can you praise me by buying me the most delicious cheese cake? Huh, Subaru kun~? " She winks to him. Subaru cannot defend her cute attack and cannot control the heat on his face and the fast heartbeat rate. " Okay okay~ My little tomato~ Let's head to the most delicious dessert shop~~ " They walk away just like sticking together. " Bye Cayenne! Let's meet in the show! " Yume looks back and waves her hand to him, but Subaru just stares at him with a quick speed. Then, they disappear in Cayenne's sight. He sighs a bit.

" Hey you! Don't ruin their relationship! If you destroy their relationship, I will kill you!!! " Mahiru steps out from a bush nearby. " You keep a watchful eye on us? How can you spy on us?! " Cayenne yells at her. Mahiru cannot hold up her anger and shouts at him loudly. " You bad guy! I will continue spy on you to protect Yume from your dirty mind and action! " He grins a little bit and says, " Um... You will know that you cannot stop finally. Keep it up~ idiot! " He walks away calmly, remaining a crazy Mahiru. 

" Um~ This is so yummy!!! Thank you Subaru kun~ " Yume stuffs a large piece of cheese cake into her mouth and smiles with satisfaction. " Don't eat too fast, idiot... " Subaru says when tidying up his outfit. He wears a sunglasses and a hat. And Yume wears them too. " Um~ I am full now! I am satisfied! " Subaru looks at her and laughs. " You idiot! Your face is with some cream! Is your need to eat too? " He pulls out his hand to wipe away the cream on her pretty face and put it into his mouth. Yume blushes and yells, " Wh-What are you do-doing?! " Subaru winks at her with his single eye and smirks, " Tomato~ is soooo yummy! " Yume blushes harder and hits him on his chest softly. " Shut it... " Subaru gazes at the cute girl and smiles.

Yume holds her boyfriend's hand and grins unhappily. " Are we going back to school? "  Subaru looks at her sad face and says, " Um? If you don't want , we can go to another place instead. Where do you want to go? " Yume smiles back. " Yeah! I want to go to the beach! Let's go! " Subaru is frowning. " What? Go swimming? Now? " But he does not reject her idea and follows her. " Hey! Subaru kun? I know that somewhere has a beautiful beach... We can see beautiful sunset there! I hope you like it... and release your stress... on your work and ... me... " Yume sits on the train next to Subaru. She lets her head down and shows her worried face. " I know... you worry me a lot. You put a lot effort on me and protect me. Of course, I know everything you did to me! ... However, I don't want to be your burden! So... I will do everything to improve myself to stay with you in the same level! I will work harder as an idol and as your girlfriend!... So wait for me, okay? And... sorry for making you jealous and worry~ Although I am quite enjoying your concern , I know that I am hindering your own work... Therefore, you should concentrate on your own work. No need to worry me! Cayenne and I are friends only. I love you only, Subaru kun. " Subaru smiles and pats on her head softly. " Oh! You look like you have grown up! No need to worry me too! I can always finish my work with a perfect status, so I am the top idol in Japan! And I also want to stay with you since your smile can give energy to me , not only for worrying you... I believe you that you don't like Cayenne, but I don't think that he is thinking as same as you! You are the most important person in my heart, how can I not protect you and concern you? " They stare into each other's eyes and grin, showing their best smile...

 I believe you that you don't like Cayenne, but I don't think that he is thinking as same as you! You are the most important person in my heart, how can I not protect you and concern you? " They stare into each other's eyes and grin, showing their...

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" Is the sunset beautiful? Although this place is so far, we used 2 hours to come, we enjoy the best view here

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" Is the sunset beautiful? Although this place is so far, we used 2 hours to come, we enjoy the best view here... " Yume gazes at the orange sun and whispers softly. The sound of wave is calming their both hearts. Their hands hold tightly. " Thank you, Yume. My heart is calming down now. All my stress is gone away. ... Yume, I want to tell you something... I love you! I want to stay with you forever and forever! I promise!" Subaru suddenly kisses her on the full lip after confessing his feeling to her. He puts one hand on her waist and the other hand on the back of her head. Despite the sudden kiss, Yume wraps around his neck by her arms to shorten their distance between each other and enjoys their true love deep kiss under the beautiful sunset. " I promise you of this too... I will stay forever with you, Subaru kun... "

On the train, they fall into a sleep when snuggling against each other with a smile.

Yume and Subaru love storyWhere stories live. Discover now