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Yume is hanging out with Subaru on a street which is full of different flowers. Although Yume and Subaru have gap of age, Yume is the first year of Four Stars High School while Subaru is the third year of it, they look cute when they are walking together. Both of them share a cute faces with pink flush. " Huh? Subaru kun~, it is May already... Many couple will marry in this month... Do you know about the bride of May? " Yume suddenly asks Subaru when looking away to a flower shop. Subaru never thinks that Yume will suddenly ask him such a question. He is totally shocked and he feels nervous and embarrassed at this moment. " H-huh...? " Yume suddenly focuses back to him with a serious face, but then shows a bright smile, " Just kidding! I don't mean anything, so you can relax... " " Behind her smile, there is sorrow in her eyes. " He thinks in his mind.

" Yume wants you to marry her?! " Asahi screams out loudly. " Really? You do not memorize wrongly? " Nozumu asks unbelievably. " Yes! She really told me that! " Subaru yells. Kanata sits calmly and helps him to analyse. " Stop being mad, Subaru. Calm down first. You know, you are 18 years old. Actually, you can get married now. However, the problem is that Yume is only 16 years old now. You two cannot marry at this time because of the law in Japan. Therefore, she will not ask you to marry her. " " But what is her meaning? " " Um... I don't know. You should ask her directly. " Subaru sits back to his seat without energy. " I am very curious and confused about her words... " Nozumu sits next to him and pats on his shoulder. " You should focus on your work first. I think Yume will not want you to give up your work because of her. Brother, don't have a worried face then! " Subaru smiles a little bit and stands up. " Let's get work! Come on guys! " The others relax and shout, " Yes! Our leader! " They walk out from their resting room.

Subaru is waiting outside the girls' dorm. He and Yume have a promise to jog together every evening. Yume finally comes out with her usual tracksuit. The only unusual thing is that she is holding a magazine about wedding dress. This makes Subaru feel nervous again. He smiles embarrassingly. " Y-Yume... Why are you-you holding this...? " He points at the magazine on her arms with a faked smile. Yume follows his finger and looks at the magazine on her hands. " Um? This one? I just be curious about the design of wedding dress. Is there any problem? " Yume says with a smile. " N-No... " Subaru smiles nervously while touching the back of his head. 

They are jogging together, just like the past. They chase and laugh happily. They rest on a bench to relax. Subaru decides to ask Yume directly. " Yu-Yume... " " Um? " " I want to ask you... are you signalizing me to marry you... in the future? " Subaru relaxes since he finally asks the question which he is stuck with for a long time in his heart. But he notices that Yume is getting depressed. The smile in her face is already gone, replaced by a stare with anger and tears surrounding her eyes. Suddenly, she stands up from the bench. " I should know you have forgotten that, the promise! I hate you, Subaru Yuki ! " She runs out with tears. Subaru frowns, " Wh-What promise? What she is talking about? Why it looks like I have been doing something wrong? " He chases behind her and grasps her arm tightly. " Can you not to be mad? Can't you tell me everything? " Yume stares at him with anger and tears, " No! You forgot the promise! You are no longer love me ! I will not tell you since you don't look our promise as an important thing! Let me go ! " Subaru no longer hide his anger. He shouts back to her with anger too, " I love you! That's true! But it seems like you do not love me, so you just make up a " Promise " and want to kick me off! " He says it without hesitation and a deep thought. It totally hurts Yume's heart. " Subaru Yuki ! I don't want to see you anymore! I hate you !!! " Yume wipes away his hand and rushes back to her room with tears. This leaves a shocked Subaru there. " Okay~ I will not find you anymore! " Tears is flowing down his cheek continuously.

He rushes back to his room and closes the door hard. The other M4 members all hear it. They go to the room of Subaru and care for him. Subaru tells them everything angrily and sadly. They are all shocked by this. " You should think deeply. Do you search about the " Promise " in your memory? " Nozumu advises him with a worried face. " I never heard of that... Wait! That Promise! " Subaru yells out loud. " Yes! Promise! How can I forget it? Huh... What can I do now? I cannot live without her~ " He curls up himself and lays on his bed with tears. " Actually, what promise? " Nozumu asks while hiding his laugh. " Um... Before she left Four Stars Academy 2 years ago, I had the first date with her. At that time, I had a work of taking photos for a wedding company with Shiratori san. Yume knew it and felt unhappy about this. Therefore, I promised her that we would take wedding photos together when one of us received a job of taking wedding photos... I suddenly remembered that Yume just got that kind of job. But I forgot about our promise... Um... What can I do?! Yume said she hates me!!! This is all my fault... " He sobs when hiding his face with his hands. The others tap on his shoulder to comfort him. " We will talk to her... She will be back to your side... " They leave him to give him some time to calm down himself. Subaru falls into sleep when tear is still flowing out from his eyes. He murmurs when he is sleeping , " Yume , I am sorry... "

Yume hides in her blanket and sobs. She also curls up herself and cries until she falls into sleep. When she sleeps, she murmurs in her dream, " Subaru kun... "

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