Love Lasts Forever

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"Let's welcome our super star, Subaru Yuki, to the stage!"

With a loud applause from the fans under the stage, Subaru steps out and waves his hand to everyone, earning screams from the fan girls.

"Wow! Yuki san, you are still so popular among the girls even you got married with Nijino san." The host laughs.

Subaru sits on the sofa next to the host and replies, "Yes. I have never imagined that my fans would fully support me to get married with Yume. At first, I was very worried that my fans would decrease, but now, my worry is totally disappeared." He smiles at the host, and then gives a charming smile to the fans, making them scream crazily again.

"That's great! Well... Back to our topic, I have to congratulate you first. You have finally married with Nijino Yume, your crush for many years." He pauses for a second, then he laughs, "Oh! Not Nijino Yume now! It is Yuki Yume! Haha... Okay... Can you share your feelings with us?"

"Well..." He cannot help but smiles lovingly when thinking of his lovely wife. "I don't know how to express it, but I can tell you, I feel like dreaming even until now. I can't believe that I am now the husband of Yume. When we were signing documents in our wedding ceremony, my heart kept pounding like wild horse. All my mind was occupied by her smiles and the desire of ..." His cheeks gradually stain by a crimson red. "... kissing her in my arms... "


The fans scream with melting hearts. The air inside the auditorium seems to be occupied by lovely pink hearts.

"I can totally know your feelings, Yuki san. You must love her so much."

"Yes. I love her. I will forever love her, even death tears us apart."

"So sweet."

"Someone may think that, if someone keeps saying "I love you" to them every minute, then he or she does not truly love them. However, in my point of view, we will not know when we will die. Accidents happen in every places every second. I want to express all my love to her when I am still alive. Hiding feelings just make us unhappy, right? A few years ago, I went to US to find Yume. When I reached the Oxford University, I was clashed by a car."

"What?!" Noises is produced under the stage.

"Don't worry! I am fine. I just hurt a little bit." Subaru smiles at them, making them sigh in relief.

"When I was laying on the ground, I could only thought of Yume. I thought that I was going to die. At that time, I just wanted to see Yume before I left the world. I wished for it, and I could really see her running towards me with fears and sorrow. From her eyes, I knew that she still loved me. I suddenly had an urge to stay alive. I wanted to use my whole life to give her back the lost happiness in those years when we separated. And then, as my wish, I really survived."

"I think if Yuki Yume san hears it, she must crys with joy."

"I think so!"

Everyone laugh, following the host and Subaru.

"Okay..." The host calms himself down by having a deep breath. "How is your life with her? Is it romantic?"

"Oh well... It is not always romantic, but we can feel love surrounding us every second." Subaru unconsciously spreads a warm smile on his face. Actually, he really wants to rush out here at once and hugs his lovely wife at home.

It seems like that the host understands his feelings, he quickly finishes the show with a few words. Subaru gives him a grateful smile and jumps into his car fast.

After half an hour, he finally drives back to his house. He cannot wait anymore. He runs into the house without closing the door and notices his wife sitting on the couch. She is too concentrated on the TV, so that she cannot notice him.

He smirks. She must be watching his show...

He sneaks to her back, deciding to give her a surprise. However, after peeking at the TV, he is the one who receives the surprise. And it is a really a huge surprise...

She is watching a show of a rising male singer. And he is actually quite handsome...

Well... In Subaru's mind, he is not as handsome as himself...

He pouts with jealousy. He takes the remote control and turns the TV off directly. Yume gets shocked when it is suddenly turned off. Turning back, she gets even shocked when discovering an annoyed and jealous Subaru staring at her.

She quickly understands the situation. "Are you jealous, Subaru?" She smirks when supporting her head with one hand.

She is suddenly being pressed on the couch. Without time for processing the current situation, she is being pulled into a hungry kiss. His lips press on hers with a force. His tongue searches for an entrance to her mouth. His hands trail down her torso.

He has waited so long to see her. However, she was watching another man at their house...

He just wants to make sure that she is his...

Yume struggles and pushes him away. He is being thrown near her on the couch when he is staring her with unbelief.

"A-are you really... " He slowly speaks out when regaining his breath. " Losing interests on me...? "

Yume can notice his sorrow in his eyes. "If I say yes, what will you do?" She smiles when climbing to his front.

His eyes instantly widen. His face goes pale.

"Y-you... "

His words are stopped as his lips are blocked by Yume's lips.

After a second, they separate.

"How could you doubt me? I will never leave you cause we love each other. Just like what you said in the show, you will forever love me, even death tears us apart, right?" Yume smiles brightly, earning a smile on Subaru's face.

"You are scaring me, you know?"

"But how could you doubt me?"

"Sorry, Yume...I..."

"You thought that I watched that that guy's show instead of yours. But actually, I have watched your show and heard your words. I really cried after it, you know?"

Yume softly fiddles his cheeks. She stops when her hands are caught by his.

"Sorry, Yume... I promise that I will not doubt you anymore."



"Then... "

Yume pulls him up and pushes him upstair. "You should go to have bath! You are smelly!" She laughs.

Subaru smirks at her, "Wash together?"

Yums's face immediately turns into crimson red.


"STOP IT! SUBARU YUKI!!!" She covers her face with both hands at once. "Haven't you stopped calling me that nickname?!"

"Who said that?" He giggles. "And I will never stop calling you TOMATO!!!"

He sticks out his tongue playfully and runs upstair in a rush to escape.

"You better stop in front of me! Subaru Yuki!!!"

After shouting out those words, she chases and decides to catch him.

"If you catch me, you can earn a kiss from me!"

"What?! Pervert!"

In this house, you can hear laughs of joy... You can see smiles of satisfactory... You can taste sweetness in the air... And...

You can feel love between them... Our beloved couple... Subaru Yuki and Yume Yuki...

The End

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