Three Years Later...

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Yume is walking from her home to the university, with a mixed feeling of happiness and nervousness. 

Her blonde hair with pink tip are laying on her shoulder. When she increases her speed, her hair will flow in the air freely when she is walking. 

She does not tie up her hair and she does not put her usual ribbon clip on it since it is an important day today. Her tidy and serious black suit and black heels can tell the hint, today is her graduation day. 

After four years of hard works, she finally graduates with First Class Honors. Or course, it is not only her contribution, but also her boyfriend, Subaru Yuki.

When she thinks of him, she cannot help but smiles from the bottom of her heart.


After Subaru has come back to her life, he did much to her. 

Every night, he would massage her shoulder which was filled with fatigue automatically. She remembered, he was actually not used to it at first. However, he was willing to learn and improve his skills. Soon, his massage became her favorite. Sometimes, he was tried because of his idol works, but he would still help her relax. She knew, he was too considerate to her, so she would help him massage too. If the others saw this, they must think that they have married for many years, but actually it was not true.

Although they were busy with their own works, they would try their best to spend a day with each other for playing and relaxing. Most of the Sunday, they would travel around England together. They loved to go to Lake District National Park to have picnic and hike together. They always traveled between Carlisle and Barrow-in-Furness through the beautiful coastal railway, which allowed access to many of the rarely visited seaside towns and villages. They enjoyed their moments with the nature. Sometimes, they would rent a boat to enjoy a boat trip on Windermere, the largest lake in England. Or they would rent bicycles to travel in the lake district. 

When her birthday came, Subaru would throw a surprise party to her. He would make a chocolate cake for her and have a romantic dinner with only two of them.

Every times she faced difficulties, he would give her an encouraging hug, letting her know that there was someone always supporting her. This gave her energy to overcome the obstacles blocking her ways.

For her, Subaru is the best supporter and the best person to complete the life with her. 

This is the first time for her to feel in this way, but she really wants to stay with him to the very end of the life...


She walks along a avenue. Suddenly, she hears a familiar song. She stops and looks around, then, she notices that some street singers are performing with this song. At the same time, many pedestrians stop and sing along with them.

She cannot help but smiles proudly. She wants to tell everyone, this song is sung by her boyfriend! However, she immediately stops her urge of doing that.

Yes, that English song is sung by Yume's boyfriend, Subaru Yuki.

︶︿︶  。 ︶︿︶ 。 ︶︿︶ 。 ︶︿︶ 。 ︶︿︶

After he came to here, he has worked a lot to become a great idol in these three years. He had to perform on street and participate a lot of talent shows and singing contests in order to get the attentions from the public and the managers of idol offices. And finally he succeeded. Now, he is the most famous male idol in US and a well-known idol in the world. He has held a lot of concerts here and around the world. Once he had concerts, all the tickets would be sold within a minute. If he did not hold her a ticket, she would not be able to watch his performances. 

Actually, she has a mixed feeling towards his career. 

She is so happy that Subaru can fulfill his idol dream. Being a famous idol in the world is his dream, and now he achieves it. Besides, she is so glad that she can have a successful idol boyfriend too. 

At the same time, she is not happy when she hangs out with him. When they were out, some fans would recognize him and chase him. They would give her a glance of enmity. This made her hurt. However, he would notice it at once and tried to make her comfortable again. 

Sometimes, he would have to participate in some romance movie with the other beautiful actresses. They would kiss and do something else during the movies. These all made her feel jealous and upset. However, when he got back home, he would immediately soothe her lovingly.

She recalled, once, he had to act like doing sex with the other beautiful actress in the TV drama. When she was watching it at home at night alone, she felt sad and cried. When seeing him sleep with the other girl nakedly, although she knew that it was not true, she could not control herself to feel jealous and depressed. She even had a negative thought, since she was not beautiful and attractive than the actress in the drama, so Subaru would abandon her. She remembered, she had cried so long that night until Subaru came back from works. He was startled when he discovered his girlfriend sobbing on the cold ground. He immediately understood what happened through the television. He knelt down next to her and pulled her into his warm embrace. After whispering some sweet but calming words to her, he smiled when noticing that she had stopped crying. Then, what surprised her, she was brought into bedroom by princess carrying style and had a romantic but passionate night with him.

That was her first time... with him...

^8^      ^8^      ^8^      ^8^       ^8^

Yume blushes madly when remembering this. She immediately covers her face with her hands when running away. She does not want anyone to notice her red face since the others may think that she has mental diseases.

She quickly runs and finally arrives her university. She enters the building and stands outside the hall with the other students. After wearing the BA gown and the mortarboard, she enters the hall with the others.

After the speech from the principal, they go up the stage to get their certificates one by one respectively. Yume goes up the stage nervously. After having a handshake and receiving the certificate, she takes the photo with the principal. Then, she walks down the stage with joy and confidence.

The efforts in these four years finally bring her the best result, the First Class Honors.

After the graduation ceremony, they go to the grassland outside and throw their mortarboards into the sky. They all know, they will fly up high in the future, just like the mortarboards.

When the others are taking photos with each other in this school, Yume notices someone familiar in a corner. She unconsciously smiles brightly to him. She can notice that the man blushes and smiles back to her.

She runs to him with a middle speed and jumps onto him with excitement. The man can only hug her when chuckling.

" Subaru kun~ You really come! Aren't you going to have a concert? " She looks up to meet his eyes with joy and worry.

He softly pats on her head and caresses her beautiful hair, and says, " Yeah... but I think that my girlfriend's graduation day is more important than the concert... " 

She blushes and smiles sweetly, which seems to melt his heart at once. 

" Really...? Do you really think so...? " She softly circles on his chest with a finger when gazing at him seductively.

Her attractive voice and her tantalizing actions totally drive him insane. He lifts her up in bridal style suddenly and brings her into his car.

" Where are we going to? The others will see it, please put me down, Subaru kun~~ "

Subaru ignores her requests and continues his actions. After helping her to wear the seat belt, he drives the car to somewhere.

Forget to tell, Subaru and Yume are already the best couple in everyone's eyes in the world...

Next chapter:  Surprising Concert...

Yume and Subaru love storyWhere stories live. Discover now