Gods of Olympus

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Gods and everything else Greek Mythology lol
I'm Ares, Athena

Ares pointed to Hades and growled, "that would never work you idiot!"

"Don't you dare talk to me that way!"
Teumessian fox ran over amd hid from the hound, Laelaps.
Laelaps always caught what he hunted and Teumessian could never be cought so they ran around forever.
"You boys need to settle down." Athena walked over with her spear and shield in the other hand.
Ares picked up a small human and started eating angrily,
"He's an idiot! No idea what he's talking about."
Hades punched him and threw fire at him.
Cerberus howled angrily and barked loudly.
"I need to go. Someone is trying to get out of the Underwold." Hades disappeared and left Ares alone with Athena.
"I'm going too." Athena walked away too.

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