Erik watched the young Vicomte with his bold golden yellow eyes.
"Welcome Monsigur." His voice boomed down almost ghostly.
"Where are you? Where is Christine?" Raoul yelled as he spun around the dark room.
Erik gave a cold laugh as a red lasso fell down to the Vicomte's feet.
"Tell me!" Raoul frowned but the Phantom was having too much fun with him while Christine laid in the bed in the house on the lake.
Christine dreamed of that night by the sea when her father told her he send her the Angel of Music.
"Would you fight for love?" Erik growled.
"Oui! Of course I would!"
"Would you die for love?"
"I shall save her from your cold and dead clutches." Raoul finally found the door and ran out.
"Then come, Monsigur," Erik chuckled to himself, "come and let us see just how far you're willing to fight for a childhood friend."I'm Erik. Open RP and now may have a Raoul! Someone I can fight with! Yay -runs away with Daaé-