Chapter 2

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(Next day. Afternoon)

"Here we are." My mom said while pushing the button at the gate. "Who is it?" A woman's voice spoke through the speaker. "It's me. Jun Ha Ra." Then, the gate opened automatically.

My mother drove in through the driveway and parked our car in the garage.

I stared in awe. The house or should I say, the castle is so beautiful. The wall was painted in white. There were 4 floors. I mean what?? Four floors?? Their backyard was like a golf court. Is this house real? Or I'm still in my dreamland??

"JUN RA IN!!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!!!" I snapped out from my thoughts and grinned sheepishly at my mom. She shooked her head.

"This is my friend's house. Well, we might be poor but I still have a rich friend. Now be nice and lets meet them, okay?"

"Okay." I said as I got out from the car.

We walked towards the main door. A very beautiful woman in her mid 30 and beside her was a handsome man, who I guessed was her husband, were waiting for us.

"Kim Tae Jin!!! Kim Min Hyung!!!" My mother ran towards them excitedly and they were group hugging and totally forgot about my existence for a while.

I just stood there, watching all their happy tears and smiles. Then, the pretty woman spotted me behind my mother.

"You must be Jun Ra In. Your mother talks a lot about you. You do have your father's eyes." I smiled at her. The mentioned of my father made my eyes teary.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Nice to meet you." I said politely while bowing. I felt grateful cause there were still people like them that treated us kindly.

"Oh come in. Your tea might get cold."

My jaw dropped at the view inside the house. There were so many expensive furniture in here. The size of JUST the living room is half of our apartment. Wow.

Mrs. Kim told us to wait her in another living room. What? There are two living rooms? I couldn't believe that I would be staying in this house, scratch that, I meant castle.

"Here is your tea." The housekeeper kindly set up our tea cups. Mrs. Kim came back after a while. "I'm sorry. My husband couldn't join us today. He's kinda busy. Anyway, we have a lot to catch up. Enjoy ur tea."

We talked about lot of things. About mom's job, my school, my late father. It was nice having someone to share about our life.

"Ra In, I have to go now." Mom said suddenly.

"Now? But it's still early for your flight."

I looked at her with my puppy eyes, telling her not to go. She smiled and stood up. We all then walked towards the front door together.

"Look, I still have something to take care of before I go. I'll be back. Just a few months, okay? Take a good care of yourself. Don't be a burden to Mrs. Kim. Help them with anything that you can help with. Bye, I love you."

She said those words calmly. How could she be so calm? She pulled me for a tight hug and I couldn't hold it anymore. My tears keep rolling down on my cheeks. I hugged her tighter. Why does it feel like it'll be the last time that I'll see her?

She pulled back, kissed me on my cheeks and forehead before she went for a hug with Mrs.Kim. I kept on watching my mom. I squeezed her hand, hoping that she would change her mind.

No. Nothing happened.

She let go of my hand and walked to the car. With the last look she gave me, she started the engined and quickly drove off.

Mrs. Kim hugged me when she saw my tears. "It'll be alright, Ra In. I promise that I'll take good care of you."

I sniffed on her scent. Somehow it helped me calm down but not as much as mom's scent would. When she felt that I have calm down, we entered the house together.

She showed me my room. The size of it was twice from my old room, with a king size bed in the middle. The wall is painted in dusty pink. The furniture is white. It looked cozy and warm.

"I hope you like it."

"I love it. Thank you so much Mrs.Kim." I smiled at her.

"Well, I'll leave you so that you can unpack your stuff. Don't forget to come down for dinner." she bid me a goodbye and went downstairs.

My room was on the second floor. I could used the stairs instead of the elevator. Yes, they have elevator in the house.

I closed the door behind me. Walking slowly towards the bed, I landed my body on the soft mattress. It was so comfy. But still, my mind couldn't accept that my mom wasn't here with me. I closed my eyes as the tears started to blur my sight.

I didn't realize that I felt asleep until a knocked on my door woke me up.

"Ra In- ah, are you awake? It's dinner time."

I groaned and lifted my body up "I'll be there in a few minutes, Mrs Kim." There was no respond. Maybe Mrs. Kim already went to the kitchen.

I cleaned myself up. Changed into my pajama and went downstairs to the kitchen. "Come here." I sat beside Mrs. Kim but there was an empty seat beside me.

"Ah. That's our son's seat. I think he is not home yet. Maybe having a sleepover at his friend's house."
They have a son? Mom didn't tell me about this. I nodded and started eating. Then, Mr.Kim came and joined us for dinner.

"Umm Ra In, can I ask you something?" Asked Mr.Kim.

I nodded, putting my chopsticks down. "I heard that you'll be graduating in a few months right? Well, if it's not a burden to you, we want you to transfer to a school nearby. Besides, your old school is 30 minutes ride from here, it's quite far. Also, I heard that you're being bullied at school. If you don't mind, can you transfer?"

I looked down on my plate. Well, it was a good idea to transfer cause I wouldn't have to deal with Dahyun or Jong In anymore. But I have to tell Jaehyun.

"Well, sure but can I go back for the last time?"

They nodded with a smile and continued eating.

Dinner went well and we all went back to our rooms. I tried to close my eyes as soon as I laid my back on the bed. But it didn't felt comfortable. I missed my old bed, I missed my old house, I missed my mom. I teared up as I kept thinking about her. Crying all day made me felt tired and fell asleep with tears in my eyes.

I hope that everything is gonna be okay.

Hey guys. New update for today. Yey hahaha. I'm sorry if the story line is kinda boring. Well, this is my first time. I hope you guys can support me and give me advice as a senior.

I'll try to write a more interesting chapter.

Again, I'm sorry for the lame chapters. But do still love me and my story. Don't forget to vote. Love you guys so much😘😘

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