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Amreen sat as a dolled-up bride on a well decorated bed. She felt nervous as she fidgeted with her fingers, her face covered with a veil.

In the quiet room, all she could hear is the thudding sound of her rapidly beating heart. Tonight, is her wedding night and tonight for the first time she will be seeing her husband.

She is filled with mixed emotions- How will her husband be? Is he good looking? Her cousins said he is very handsome and tall.

How will she talk to him? What will she talk to him? At one point Amreen wanted to run away. Slowly she lifted her head and looked through her veil- a window.

Her heart skipped a beat as the door to the room opened- her husband is here.

As soon as Faizaan Malik got his lawyer's degree from Aligarh, his parents fixed his marriage with a daughter of a rich Landlord, Syeda Amreen Khatoon. Faizaan didn't see his bride. He is excited, also nervous- How will his bride be? What will he talk to her?

With many such thoughts in his head he opened the door. What he saw next took his breath away.

His bride sitting on the rosy bed looked beautiful, he smiled to himself.

He walked towards her, she shifted nervously. He knew she was nervous, he was too. But he is excited as well. Tonight, he will talk to her, get to know her. He sat beside her, he saw her fingers tremble little. She has beautiful long fingers, Faizaan's smile widened.

Amreen's heart was in her mouth as she saw his fingers under her veil, slowly he lifted her veil and she closed her eyes out of shyness and nervousness.

'Amreen.' He said. Amreen's heart fluttered hearing his voice, such deep and intense voice. Slowly she opened her eyes and for the first time, Faizaan and Amreen looked at each other....

Faizaan and Amreen had started their journey practically as strangers. Join their journey as they go through the ups and downs discovering each other and falling madly in love. The two strangers turning into inseparable soulmates.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE- 1950's Love Story (COMPLETED)✔Where stories live. Discover now