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Amreen was led into the ladies session, Farheen and some of her cousin led Amreen on stage, her face covered with a veil. She is made to sit on a throne. Amreen felt nervous, she could hear chatting of many women, also heard kids laughing and running around. Amreen is now center of attraction for so many people.

Amreen felt few ladies talking standing in front of her, and then one woman lifted her veil little and peeped in. Amreen assumed her to be someone from Faizaan's side as she has never seen this woman.

'MashaAllah! Fiza who have chosen a Pari for our Faizaan.' The woman complimented Fiza.

In the next fifteen minutes, Amreen felt awkward as one by one the ladies came and peeped inside her veil, complimented her and left handing her an envelope containing money.

Then one woman lifted her veil little and Amreen smiled seeing her Chachi's face peep in. She smiled back at Amreen. Amreen had tears in her eyes looking at her Chachi. It has been hardly a day she spent without her Chachi yet she missed her terribly. It was the first time she was away from her uncle and Aunt after all.

Amreen closed her eyes as she felt her Chachi's hand on her head, tear escaped from her eyes.

'Tomorrow morning you will come to Lucknow? Beta, come to our village as well. Amreen's home is there.' Abdullah said to Faizaan as they sit side by side on the stage. Faizaan nodded, he wanted to say it might not be possible but he silent thinking it would have been impolite to say then.

'Beta, Amreen is little sensitive girl, she gets worried and scared quickly. Please take good care of her.' Afzal Chacha said and Faizaan nodded his head, 'Of course.'

The day his marriage was fixed Faizaan had promised himself that he will take good care of his wife, and now spending some time with Amreen, his decision strengthened.


Later that night,

Faizaan entered his room and found Amreen struggling with her trunk again. She hasn't changed yet, only her veil is now off her head. Amreen froze hearing the door getting locked from behind.

'You go change, I will help you with this.' Faizaan said. Amreen nodded and walked into the bathroom.

Amreen sat on the bed with her legs pressed against her chest, she looked very timid. Faizaan walked towards the bed, she looked at him and he smiled little at her. She smiled lowering her gaze. Faizaan sat beside her, he admired her for a while.

'Tomorrow we will be going to your place. You must be happy?' Faizaan said. He wanted to start a conversation but didn't know what to speak, so he chose a safe topic.

Amreen nodded her head thoughtfully. Initially, she was confused what to answer.

Faizaan shifted little, she pressed her legs closer.

'You like Taj Mahal?' he asked after a while. Amreen looked at him and then looked away.

'I have heard a lot about the place, it is a beautiful place.' She said not looking at him.

"Not as beautiful as you." Faizaan wanted to say but instead he said, 'We will be going there.' He said

Amreen looked at him, 'Really?' her eyes twinkled and Faizaan felt his heart skip a beat. He smiled nodding his head.

Not looking away from her, he placed his palm over hers.

Amreen gasped, nevertheless she didn't move her gaze from his.

'You will like the place.' He said. She looked away feeling shy. Faizaan looked at her hand and smiled, he caressed the back of her palm. Amreen felt goose-bumps. Strangely she liked his touch, soft and gentle.

'We will leave after breakfast, okay?' he said and Amreen nodded.

'Acha! Do show me around your place. I will be clueless there.' Faizaan admitted cutely. Amreen smiled at his innocence and nodded her head.

'You should smile often, you look more beautiful smiling.' He confessed. Amreen smiled hearing his compliment. She nodded.

Faizaan wanted to talk more but he didn't know what to say, he kept quiet for some time before deciding to ask her to sleep. But before he could say something Amreen interrupted his thoughts, '' Amreen stammered.

Only she knows how much courage it took her to ask this. Faizaan's face lit up as she spoke to him, it was very unexpected.

'It was amazing there. First year of law school was good. Eventually, the pressure increased...' Amreen admired Faizaan as he spoke about his experience studying in Aligarh. She also laughed at the funny incidents he narrated. The more he spoke, the more she looked at him and the harder she felt herself falling in love with him. The way he spoke so innocently, the way his eyes sparkled as he narrated everything excitedly, the wide smile and the faint dimple on his right cheek. Amreen admired everything.

'And I ran for my life...God that day I had been dead for sure...' Faizaan ended a funny incident he had experienced. Amreen found it so funny that she began to laugh uncontrollably. Faizaan stopped speaking, he kept admiring her instead. Her laughter ringing in the room, he loved her laughter.

Amreen stopped laughing after a while, her face red, tears in her eyes and her jaw and stomach hurt. She then realized she had been laughing like crazy, so un-lady like. She looked away, what must Faizaan think of her? she is so rowdy?

'Sorry.' Amreen said red faced.

Faizaan shook his head and held her hand, 'Don't be sorry. Please be like this. Laugh and smile. You look thousand times more beautiful.' He complimented. Amreen smiled shyly. She is relieved Faizaan didn't think wrongly of her.

They lay beside each other silently staring at the ceiling for some time. Faizaan turned his head and looked at Amreen who had her gaze stuck to the ceiling. He slowly moved his hand and placed it over hers. Amreen felt a sharp jolt feeling his palm over his, she turned her head and looked at him.

Faizaan propped himself on his elbow and looked at her, she lowered her gaze. He admired her for few seconds before whispering, 'Good night.'

'Good night.' she said looking at him. Faizaan couldn't control and leaned forward kissing her forehead. Amreen closed her eyes feeling jittery. He shifted back to his side, he turned and looked at her. Amreen turned facing him as well, this time she kept staring into his eyes.

They kept admiring each other, holding hands until sleep took over and they fell asleep.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE- 1950's Love Story (COMPLETED)✔Where stories live. Discover now