Chapter Three

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~Chat Noir's POV~

"Chat Blanc. I've been waiting for this moment." Hawkmoth' voice exposed around in my head, but somehow it didn't feel... invasive. It felt soothing, like he wanted to help me.

Hawkmoth chuckled. "You're exactly right, Chat Blanc. I want to help you win over the love of your life. But in return I want both your miraculouses, though you can keep the powers that I will give you to keep Ladybug under control."

I feel a grin begin to creep onto my face. As much as I hate to admit it, Hawkmoth is right.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I remembered just who I was dealing with. "Hawkmoth-you and I both know that I don't like you. You don't like me either. But.. if I do agree to work with you... can you promise me Ladybug?" I asked.

I know this is wrong, I know. I just can't help it. I want her to love me so badly!

"Of course I can promise you that. She will be yours. Just being me the Miraculouses." I take in a deep breath. I've always wondered what it would be like to be Akumatized. I guess I'm about to find out.

"I'll do it, Hawkmoth." I hear a dark chuckle in the back of my mind, but I don't really focus on it, much to preoccupied with staring at my hand, which is being swiftly consumed by dark purple bubbles. Somehow I don't feel panicked, instead I feel a calm washing over me. I close my eyes and allow the transformation to take over my body.

Finally, the slight tingling sensation caused by the bubbles stops, and I open my eyes slowly, lifting a white-gloved hand in front of my face. Wait-white gloved? I guess I really am Chat Blanc now.

A laugh escapes my lips. "There's no way Ladybug will be able to resist me now!" I crow triumphantly, though I know no one can hear me. Now all I need to do is cause mass destruction so that I can attract my Lady and ask her once again for her heart. This time she can't say no.


~Marinette's POV~
As I land on my balcony after my meeting with Chat, I wonder if he's alright. Maybe I should've stayed after he poured his heart out to me. But I just don't think I could've helped.

I sigh and detransform. "Hey, Tikki." I say tiredly as I head for the trapdoor that leads into my bedroom. I open it and Tikki flies in with me. I get ready for bed, brushing my teeth and combing out my hair, and getting my pajamas on.

As I'm climbing into bed, Tikki gasps suddenly. "Oh no, Marinette!" Came her tiny voice through the darkness. I immediately sit up, turning toward her.

"What is it Tikki?" My voice is lethargic, though it is ringed with worry.

"Marinette, I need you to turn on the news!" Tikki says hurriedly. I sigh and climb out of bed. "I was just getting comfortable!" I complain as I sit in my chair. "Trust me, this is important." Said Tikki. "Now turn it on!"

I turn on my computer and go to the news channel, pressing the link to the livestream happening in Downtown Paris.

"-and the mayor is calling in all forces to detain this new Chat Blanc. We are unsure whether this is a new villain or if it is an akumatized Chat Noir, though we don't even know how our hero could have been akumatized." Says the reporter on the screen. I watch in shock, my hands covering my mouth.

"Oh, we seem to be getting a sort of message from the villain." The camera zoomed in on a figure on top of the Eiffel Tower. I gasp. "Chat Noir..?" I manage to say in a whisper. This cannot be happening. My best friend can't be akumatized!

"Hello, Paris!" Chat calls confidently, voice carrying far. "I am Chat Blanc, the new super villain in town. I was akumatized because my lady rejected me, and now I have the power to get her back. Ladybug, I know that you're watching this. You will come to me willingly, and you will hand over your Miraculous, revealing your true identity to me. After that, you will give me your heart as well, and we shall be together forever. You have until sunrise to complete this task. You don't want to find out what happens if you don't comply to my orders." With that, Chat turned his back on the camera and walked back to-I presume- the bench I had sat on before.

The camera cuts off, leaving my computer screen dark, and I lean back in my chair, utterly shocked.

"Tikki... we need to go out there..." I sigh. I'm about to give up my Miraculous and probably my free life. But I guess...if it means I can save Paris... or maybe even get Chat Noir back...

"No, Marinette. I know what you're thinking. You can't do this!" Said Tikki with a frown. "If you give up your Miraculous, then Hawkmoth will cause more destruction to Paris than Chat Blanc ever could."

I shook my head. "Tikki, I have to try! If there's even a chance of saving Chat Noir... I don't want to lose my best friend! Especially to an akuma that is entirely my fault!" I stand and Tikki sighs. "Fine, Marinette. But you'd better have a good plan."

"I do. Don't worry." I say, and a plan really does start coming together in my head. It actually sounds like it might work.

"Tikki. Spots on."

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