Chapter Four

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~Ladybug's POV~

I swung across the city, mind racing. I had to save Chat Noir. I don't know what I'd do without him.

By the time I reached the base of the Eiffel Tower, I had a plan. I just needed to hope that it would be enough.

And that it was worth it.

"Come on, Marinette. Just a bit higher. He needs to see you." I muttered to myself. I swung up and over the tower, knowing that Chat would spot me. Then I dropped back down the side of the tower, falling fast. I flicked my yoyo out and it caught on a building, pulling me toward it.

I dropped into the alley quickly, hoping with all my heart that Chat had not seen where I had gone. This was the trickiest part of the plan. If Chat found out my identity I was done for.

"Tikki, spots off." I whispered, cringing when the alleyway was filled with a flash of light. My Kwami did a loop-the-loop and then landed in my outstretched hands. I smiled and placed her gently into my bag.

"There's a few cookies in there if you're h-"

"Marinette Dupain-Chang." A voice boomed above me and I looked up to see Chat perched on the building above me. "My Lady. I'm glad you showed up."

He jumped down and landed in front of me, then strolled forward. "I didn't think it could be you. But I suppose it all makes sense now." He circled me, taking in every detail of me-my clothes, my hair, everything.

I couldnt believe that this had happened. After being so careful, after planning the whole way here. I had missed my chances to save my best friend. I needed to come up with something better, and quickly.

Chat stepped closer to me and took a piece of my hair in between his fingers. "Wow. To think that you'd been right next to me this whole time." His voice was quiet, and it seemed excited somehow.

Oh right. He's in love with me. It slipped my mind. I guess if you found out that you went to school with your secret superhero crush you'd be surprised too.

I took a step back.

"Now Chat, I think that since I've shown you my identity it's only fair if you show me yours." I said, sounding more confident than I felt.

Chat clicked his tongue. "You would've thought that you'd notice by now. I mean, who wouldn't recognize Adrien Agreste, supermodel and daddy's boy?" He said, his green-though they were more yellow now-eyes widening with staged innocence.

"W-wait. Adrien?" He took another step toward me and I took another back, finding myself pressed against a wall.

"Why, yes. You seem surprised." Chat said.

Adrien. This couldn't be Adrien. Adrien has an amazing sense of humor and-and he has much better blond hair and...

Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste.

How did I not notice it before? It was so obvious!

I nearly cursed then and there, but a face appeared in my vision and I snapped out of my reverie. Chat was now just a few inches from me, and one hand was by my head.

"So, My Lady. I suppose now that you've revealed yourself I'll take your Miraculous." Chat said, his grin stretching widely. I attempted to move to the side, away from him, but he slammed his other hand violently against the wall. I jerked away, hitting the arm that was already planted against the wall.

"W-what do you want?" I asked, tears coming to my eyes. I knew there was no way out of this. I had lost. My best friend. Now my Miraculous. Everything.

"I think you know what I want. I want you to be mine, My Lady." He said the name mockingly now. "You can with me, and give me your Miraculous, and I will leave Paris alone. Or you can refuse and I'll take it all anyway, then I will destroy your beloved city and everyone in it. But, you know, your choice." Chat nodded at me.

I shook my head. My Miraculous and myself for the city of Paris? How could someone turn that down?

How selfish would you have to be to say yes?

My attention focused on Chat's eyes, not at all the shade of green that I had fallen in love with. Where was my best friend? I had to get him back.

That's when I spotted the ring on his right hand. Yes, if I did this right...

"Chat. Before I say anything, I need to tell you... I need to tell you why I said no on the tower." I said, speaking slowly.

Chats eyes widened with surprise, but he nodded. "I'm listening." He said

"It's because... I have a crush... on somebody else." I said, drawing it out.

"And who would that be?" Chat asked, raising an eyebrow, his face leaning closer to mine.

"Well... you. Adrien Agreste. I like Adrien Agreste, okay??" I sighed. It seems weird to be telling this to him, while he's inches from my face. But it would've happened anyway.

Chat's face lit up and he let out a laugh. "Seriously? How odd. Wow." He said. His face drifted ever closer to mine, and I didn't move. I was frozen in fear-or embarrassment-or something else. I wasn't sure.

And then his lips were on mine.

My eyes widened and I tried to pull away, but his left hand came up to cup my face, holding it there.

And I kissed him back.

Chat chuckled, leaning back. "I'd always wondered what that would feel like, Lady. And now I know. And that was the best kiss I've ever had."

Then he held up a hand, and between his thumb and pointer finger he held two earrings.

My earrings.

My hand flew up to my ear and I touched the empty hole. "N-no! Chat, please. Give them back!

"Oh don't worry. You won't be needing them where we're going."

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