Chapter Five

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I stood there trembling against the wall.

"And-and where is it, that we're going?" I asked, my voice shaking as I stared at Chat. He chuckled darkly.

"Oh don't worry, princess. You won't get hurt-much." He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around my waist before I even had time to react.

"Let go!" I exclaimed, shoving him away. Surprisingly, it worked, and I retreated down the alleyway, never taking my eyes off Chat. Why wasn't he coming after me?

Then I saw the amused look in his eyes and I realized that he found this to be a game. He was going to see how long it took me to break. Because who can resist a game of cat and mouse?

He strolled down the alley toward me and I turned, sprinting forward-only the face plant straight into a wall. I fell on my back and groaned, closing my eyes for a moment in an attempt to chase the dizziness away. When I opened them again Chat was standing above me, smirking.

"I didn't think that would work out so perfectly." He mused, laughing. Then, in a flash, he scooped me up, holding me bridal style in his arms. "Now, why don't we go meet my father?" He said, laughing as he saw my eyes widen.

"Don't worry, M'Lady. He'll love you." He said, jumping up onto the rooftops. I tried to keep my eyes open so I could decipher the route we were taking, but it took all my self control to resist clinging to Chat, so I squeezed my eyes shut, going limp in his arms as unconsciousness took over.


I was dropped unceremoniously onto the hard floor, waking with a gasp and trying to stand up. Chat shoved me back down again. I looked wildly around the room, searching for some sign of life. 

It was a dark room, with glowing white butterflies lining the walls. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them, and I could hear their wings rustling as the fluttered them slightly. I heard footsteps coming from a dark passage straight in front of me, and I whimpered, leaning backward away from the noise.

After months of wondering who Hawkmoth was, of trying to find him so that we could defeat him, I knew I didn't want to meet him now, not here under his power. I had no way of protecting myself.

Hawkmoth stepped into the room, and I could just make out his figure. He laughed. "So it was little Marinette all along, eh? I didn't see that coming." He said as he stepped closer. I tried to move away but Chat leaned down, grabbing my shoulders to hold me in place.

Hawkmoth put his fingers under my chin and forced me to look up at him, amusement sparkling in his eyes. Chat had moved from holding my shoulders to holding my wrists behind my back. I could feel his ring and, oddly enough, my earrings pressing against the soft skin of my wrist.

It's like he wanted me to know they were there.

I knew it was a long shot. Chat was acting so evil. But there was a tiny possibility that it was just that, an act. Maybe there was still a small voice in his head telling him to do the right thing. 

Hawkmoth laughed at the terror in my eyes. "I didn't think Ladybug would give up so easily, yet here you are, in my clutches after just a single threat to your family. I didn't realize it would work so well."

My eyes stayed on Hawkmoth as he paced away, and one of Chat's hands left my wrists, traveling up to slowly put the earring through my ear. He started on the other one while Hawkmoth spoke.

"Now that I finally have both of your Miraculouses, I can finally begin my plan to take over Paris, then France, then the entire world!" His laughter bounced off the walls, echoing around the chamber, and I shifted uncomfortably. Both the earrings were in now, and I was sure Tikki was hiding somewhere, waiting for me to transform.

But there was still one thing I needed to do.

Quick as a fox I slid my wrists from Chat's loosened grip, and slid his ring off along with it. I hoped the power wouldn't be affected by the akuma hidden within. Chat let out a yelp, scrambling to tear the ring away, but I had already slid it onto my finger, jumping up and away from him.

Hawkmoth whipped around, seeing me on my feet and Chat staring at me, aghast. "You stupid cat. What have you done?!" I shrugged, feeling much more confident now. I could hear the voices of my ancestors, telling me exactly what to do.

"It wasn't his fault. He just fell for my charms." I grinned. "And now I am going to defeat you once and for all, Hawkmoth. You will never have a chance to akumatize another victim again."

I saw his face fill with intense rage, and he started for me, but before he could even take a step, I was yelling exactly what I needed to to finish this situation once and for all.

"Miraculous, Transform!" 


And there you have it. The long-awaited Chapter Five. I'm sorry it took so long, I was out of inspiration, but I finally finished it! Chapter Six should be coming soon. Thank you for all of your encouragement! ~Lexi

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