Chapter Six

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"Miraculous, Transform!" I yelled. I felt a tingling sensation through my body and I was lifted into the air, surrounded by black and red lights. These lights engulfed me, and I could hear Hawkmouth screaming "No!"

I landed lightly on my feet, flexing out my arms, getting used to the mixture of blacks and reds on my new costume. I felt more powerful than ever before, and I could here the kwamis voices in my head, congratulating me. "So this is what you needed these for. I guess you failed." I shrugged, glaring at Hawkmoth. 

"Now, I am going to give you one chance to hand over your miraculous, or you will face the consequences. He was scared. I could see it in his eyes. Hawkmoth was actually scared of my. I took a step forward and he frowned, trying to put on a brave face. Did I really seem that intimidating? 

He shook his head. "Absolutely not. This is my-" Without a second thought, or another warning, I threw my hand out to the side, a golden staff materializing. I tried not to show my awe that it had actually worked, and pointed the staff at him. "Miraculous. Now." I growled, taking another step closer. "N-no." 

"Then it's time to face the consequences." I swiped the staff through the air and it left a golden streak in the air, lazily floating toward Hawkmoth as it gathered into a cloud. He tried to turn and run but ended up hitting a wall, falling backward. The cloud touched him, immobilizing him. His mouth was dropped open with shock, and I walked forward slowly.

"It worked." I whispered. I waved the staff again and the golden dust coating every inch of Hawkmoths body cleared away from the moth-shaped brooch on his tie. I reached out and plucked it away, Hawkmoth unable to do anything to stop.

Hawkmoth immediately began de-transforming, but I turned away, not quite ready to see his civilian form. I was careful to avoid looking toward Chat, knowing he'd be in his normal form too. 

I closed my eyes for a moment, listening to the tiny whisperings in the back of my mind. Then I reached up and pinned the brooch to my chest. A purple kwami appeared immediately, a relieved look on his face. "Thank you so much!" He exclaimed, coming up to hug my cheek. I giggled. "You're welcome." I said, patting him lightly. 

"I am Nooroo, the moth kwami! And you rescued me from an evil villain, my master. I am so sorry, for everything, for letting him take advantage of me-" 

"Don't worry, Nooroo. It wasn't your fault, I promise." i said gently. "Now, we should get you back to Master Fu. Something tells me that he'll be able to help you get a proper home." I looked around hesitantly, my eyes falling on the glowing figure of-

"Gabriel Agreste?! Wait-how??" I was completely confused. How could Gabriel Agreste, fashion icon, one of my idols, be Hawkmoth, the most evil man in all of Paris?! Then my eyes flew over to where Chat was, and I found myself staring into the familiar green eyes of Adrien Agreste, looking completely confused.

"What happened? Who are you?" Adrien asked, shaking his head slightly. Did I really look that different. Adrien then spotted Gabriel, still frozen. "And what have you done to my father?!" He asked angrily. "I haven't done anything! Well, um, actually-he's Hawkmoth!" I yelled. Why did I have to get so flustered all of a sudden??

"What?" Adrien asked softly, stepping forward. "Oh, be careful, the dust will freeze you." I called out. "Thanks." Adrien muttered, stopping a few inches from his father. "How do you know he's Hawkmoth?" He asked in an accusatory tone, turning toward me. 

Nooroo popped up, flying over to Adrien. "I am Nooroo. I was his kwami." He said gently. "Oh... that still doesn't explain you." Adrien said, pointing at me. That's when he noticed his ring was missing. "Wait a minute. Where's Plagg?! Plagg!" Adrien yelled.

"Shh. It's okay. You-you gave me your ring so that I could defeat him. You were akumatize....Chat Noir." Adrien froze, staring at me. "How did you know that I'm him?" I sighed. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Well... I was sitting on top of the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug had just rejected me..." He mumbled, staring down. So he didn't remember my identity? That meant... I could keep it a secret. 

No, I couldn't. That would not be fair. I sighed. 

"Well, after Hawkmoth akumatized you, you found Ladybug and took her Miraculous, forcing her to de-transform. You then brought her to Hawkmoth, but you were able to fight of the akumatization long enough to get her Miraculous back on to her. Then she stole your ring... and became this." I gestured to myself." Then I defeated Hawkmoth and took away the Miraculous." 

Adrien's jaw dropped as he listened to me speak. "Wait-Ladybug?" He asked softly.  I nodded. "That means.. I found out your identity?" I nodded again, looking down. "And I forgot it! I can't believe that I could forget something like that..." He muttered, beginning to pace. I stayed quiet for a few seconds, and then I felt a pulse where the Miraculouses were located. 

I have four minutes left in this form.

I sighed. Might as well get this over with now. 

"Miraculous, detransform." I whispered, but Adrien looked up anyway. He heard me. Swirls of black and red covered my vision for a few seconds as I detransformed, and then I was Marinette again. Plain old Marinette.

I sighed, as Tikki flew in circles around my head, giggling with glee. "I knew you could do it, Marinette! I just knew it!" She exclaimed, hugging my cheek. I laughed. "Only because you told me what to do!" I said.

"Marinette?" His voice came softly from a few feet away, where Plagg was hovering just above his shoulder. "You're-you're Ladybug?" I nodded slowly, trying to gauge his reaction as he stared into my eyes.

Suddenly I was engulfed in a bear hug, so tight I could barely breath. My cheeks were bright pink, and I had to push him away so that I could breath. "Um... yeah. Surprise, I guess?" I said awkwardly. A huge grin lit up his face.

"I can't believe it's you! You were right there the whole time! How did I miss it?" Adrien exclaimed, running his fingers through his messy hair. "I can see it now. The same kind and sweet girl with a fiery spirit. I'm so glad it's you!" He hugged my again, and I hesitantly hugged him back.

"We should get Hawkmoth-uh, Gabriel to Master Fu." I said after a few minutes. "Yeah. Right." Adrien said, stepping back. 

"And here's your ring." I added, taking the Miraculous off my finger and sliding it onto his. "Thanks." He said gratefully. I shrugged."No problem. Now let's get going."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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