Advice #11 (2 in 1)

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[1] hey so I need some advice, there's this girl at my High School and she is typically one of the popular girls and we're only Year 8 and she went to our primary school and now that we're in high school she has well... Become popular and she was at one point picking on one of my friends and then yelled at her in front of everyone we know but this year she was talking to me and one of my other friends and she wasn't saying anything bad, then she was calling me and this friend pretty, but things got weirder when she was sitting with me in class when this friend wasn't at school and then she got joined my AFL team B and was bagging all of her friends to me
Then at one training session I swear she tried to call me cute and is always saying how she hates most girls but me and she once glared at a girl (I'm openly pan at my school.) The girl had touched my hand and will this popular girl glared at her and at the start of the year the popular one was saying that her friends were making her smoke and she knew i heard. I have spoken to people about it. Some say that she just wants to make new friends while others are saying that she is sexually attracted to me and i just don't know what to think because I think that I may have a small crush on her please help :(


[2] okay, so I have a crush on someone but I'm not sure if he likes me back or not. I catch him glancing at me a few times in class and at lunch and we started talking at about the beginning of December. Later on we stopped talking and it made me kinda sad. A couple weeks ago I heard him talking with best friend about who he likes and it was my best friend Payton. I've never avoided Payton as much as I do now because I feel like I would be so pissed off in her presence. Please help me!!!

If anyone has anything they're dealing with send me a message through pm and I'll post anon💖💖

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