Advice #17 (4 in 1)

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[1]   I like these two boys one is really sweet and innocent the other ones a bit rebellious and loves cussing. The both make me laugh at their cute antics and they are two of the nicest people. I know the sweet and innocent one stares at me a lot, and sometimes I catch the rebellious one sneaking glances at me too. The thing is, I don't really know what my type of guy is, and if I had to choose between them I probably wouldn't. What do you guys think?

[2] I've made friends with a boy and girl in my art class in the beginning of school. We Hung out all the time but then the Girl moved. I took it really hard and cried as soon as I found out. The boy was sad too. We were close for two more weeks, and then another boy joined us. (It was the first boys best friend.) I made friends with him too. But now they both leave me out. I feel like a third wheel. What should I do?

[3] I need some help. I'm lesbian and my parent are extremely supportive of the LGBT+ community. I want to come out of the closet but they are really old fashioned. What should I do?

[4] so I like this guy in my computer class. He's funny and sweet and nice and sporty and cool and really cute. Great right?'s not cause, 1. I'm super ugly and extra skinny and just an ick looking person (even tho my personality is pretty awesome.) 2. He barely knows I'm alive, I mean we talk Sometimes and be tries to make me smile and he even hugged me once but I can never just talk to him you know. And 3. There's this kinda girl who's way less sick looking and flirts with him like there's tomorrow!!! And I really like him😰 what should I do? Please help.


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