chapter-2: prove it

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I was pacing up and down my office waiting for my father to show up. I wonder how the company worked in my absence. it was already 9:10 work starts at 9. 

"stop pacing Eric, he'll be here soon" Darien said 

" I know. but, he is late and I am nervous" I replied 

"he is only 10 minutes late Eric. It is no big deal" he said. 

"only ten minutes, Darien? What if..." I just realized that I was freaking out uselessly and in my line of work it isn't a big deal if the CEO is late for a few minutes. But, still I always told my workers and I am a kind of person who does what he preaches. 

"Calm down! it'll be all okay. I'll support you. now sit!" Darien told me in a commanding voice. 

"You better...." I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence swear showed up. he looked surprised when he showed up and then broke into a smile. 

"Ah! Eric you are here. I presume that means that you have a found a lovely lady who would court you." he said 

" umm... about that...." I fumbled with words. 

"where is the lovely lady Eric? I presume that you have brought her here. no? well, that's fine as well...." he was rambling on about my non existent fiancee. 

"dad, there is no lady." I said in a calm voice. 

"what do you mean that there is no lady?" dad asked in a cold voice. 

"Dad, I am gay" I said in a calm voice 

"son, I am happy that you are happy but, where is the lady?" he asked 

"dad, I am gay meaning I am homosexual. I like men and not ladies." I shouted at last not able to contain myself. the situation was funny since I am actually straight and I am shouting about me being gay. I am sure no one would actually do this. 

"you are not gay" dad stated firmly. 

"I am dad" I said sighing. I had said that so many times to myself that I almost believed it myself if weren't for the fact that I knew that I knee that this whole thing was a scam. 

"no son of mine is gay" he said 

"that's funny dad since I am only son and I am gay." I said humorlessly. 

"I don't believe you." dad said 

" that's fine don't believe me. but, that is the truth." I said 

" I am gonna test it." dad said 

"and how exactly are you gonna do that?" I asked 

he ignored me completely and turned to Darien and asked " you are bisexual right?" what? he us why didn't he tell me? am I that untrustworthy? 

"yes, sir" he replied cautiously 

"then kiss Eric." dad demanded 

" dad I can't kiss Darien." I protested 

" so you accept that you are straight?" he asked 

"no, but, dad you can't go around kissing your best friends." I replied 

" nonsense. now, prove it." dad said Darien moved towards me. my mind was going overdrive telling me that I couldn't kiss Darien. but, if I wanted to escape this situation I had to tell dad the truth and if I told him the truth he would win and I didn't want him to win and then rule my life as he pleases. I wanted to get a hold of my life and if kissing Darien was the way then so be it. 

Darien came close towards me and mumbled softly 'it is going to be fine don't worry. And don't back out now. I should have guessed this would have happened...." he started to curse himself quietly. 

Suddenly I couldn't stand him standing in front of me with barely a centimetre of gap between our lips. I did something that makes me wonder whether I was really lying to my father about me being gay or if I was lying to myself thinking that I was straight. 

I closed the gap between our lips by pressing my lips gently on his. I clutched his shirt tightly and tried to deepen the kiss. At first he didn't respond to it making me wonder what I was doing wrong but, soon he did making the kiss heavenly. He pulled me towards him making sure that there was no gap between our bodies as we kissed passionately. 


A/N: 2nd ch done. woooohoooo. 

I am upset that u guys didn't vote.  

so new rule, u vote and then I'll upload. 

so vote, comment and fan  

p.s: I uploaded via mobile which is hell of a job, so pardon all the mistakes. 

pls make me a cover and u guys help me to find the perfect Eric and Darien. 

pm me  

luv my new fan( u one who u r) thanx a lot

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