Chapter-7 heart breaks and birthday cakes

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It was three weeks since I have been dating Mollie and since then Savannah has not been talking to be properly. She also had been calling me ‘sir’ which, I weirdly find, the most disrespectful thing anyone has ever said to me. For weeks I have been doing things which would force her to talk to me normally again but every single attempt has been nothing but, utter failure. But, now I had found the perfect way to make her speak to me again. So I called her in my office.

“What do you want, sir?” Savannah said in a bored tone. See? She called me sir and that is so repulsive. I feel like an old man and not a young twenty year old.

“Come on Savvy, drop the ‘sir’ thing already.” I said

“Why should I do that ‘sir’?” she asked.

I groaned and asked “What would make you stop calling me ‘sir’? It is annoying.”

“If only you would have listened to me three weeks ago then I would have stopped with the sir thing, ‘sir’” she said

“Savvy I can't date Darien; I am not gay for god’s sake. Plus, I like Mollie. She is a sweet and decent girl.” I said and then added after a pause “kind of”

“Decent? Even strippers are more decent than her, Eric. Haven’t you seen those pictures? Even strippers don’t pose like that in front of the camera and they definitely don’t post it all over the net.” She said

“Ha! You called me Eric and not ‘sir’!” I exclaimed

“Is that all that entered in that pea brain of yours?” she asked

“FYI I have the highest IQ in this town, so don’t you insult my brain.” I said

“You never even went to school or college.” She cried

“I was home schooled and as for college I took online classes. And how many people do you know who have finished college at the age of eighteen?” I asked

“None” she grumbled and asked “Aside that, why did you call me into your office, sir?”

“Savannah!” I cried “don’t call me sir! And I wanted to discuss with you about Darien’s birthday party this Friday.”

“Oh, yeah, he is turning twenty-five this week. So what have you planned for him?” she asked

“Well, for starters I was thinking of asking Dana to fly in and giving him a surprise party. Do you think surprise party is, I don’t know, old idea?” I asked

“Dana, who? And surprise parties never grow old.” she said

“Dana as in Daniela, as in Darien’s older sister, whom he hasn’t seen for three years.” I elaborated.

“Oh! Daniela! You and your stupid nick names!” she scolded me and said “Darien would love you for it, that is if doesn’t already loves you.”

I rolled my eyes at the latter comment. Savannah would never give up trying to fix me and Darr up, would she? “My nicknames are not stupid” I defended the nicknames I had given to my friends.

“Puh-lease! They are so stupid. You call Darien Darr, Daniela Dana, me Savannah Savvy, Ethan Eth, Cameron Cammy, and Natasha Nasha, do I need to go on?” she asked

“Still, they aren’t stupid.” I said not feeling entirely confident.

“Stop fooling yourself boy.” She said and then continued “anyway, what else are we gonna do on Darr’s birthday?”

“If my nicknames are so stupid stop using them.” I grumbled and then said “I was thinking of giving him an unfinished motorcycle.” I said

“Unfinished? Why?” she asked

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