chapter-4: confusion

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After mom went Savannah started to shoot me with a gazillion question of which only about a percent was work related. Her questions started with how was I and ended with whether I had read her report, which she sent me the other day.

“So, what are you gonna do about the current situation?” was Savannah’s latest question.

I sighed knowing that this wasn’t a work related question and the fact that she was asking what I was going to do about the situation which mom put upon me. I sat down on my comfortable chair and then clutched my hair and said sighing “Frankly speaking I haven’t got a clue what to do other than following mom’s instruction. I mean what else can I do?”

“Hmmm… that is a good idea, I suppose. I mean we don’t want your mom to be angry. She becomes terrifying when she is angry. Remember what happened last time?” Savannah asked me shuddering.

I remembered and shuddered myself with fear. My mother is no less than a monster when she is angry. The guy, upon whom my mom was angry at, peed at that moment, quit his job and also apparently fled the country. Out of the country, who does that? But, I would too if I was him. Mom becomes totally ruthless and monster type. Good thing mom doesn’t get angry easily otherwise it would have been the end of the world.

“It was something one can't forget.” I said nodding. Thinking of that episode brought goose-bumps on my skin. She nodded as well and then giggled.

“What?” I asked, unable to find the reason why she was giggling.

“You kissed….Darr.” she replied in between giggles. I turned bright red at the mention of that kiss. While answering one of her many questions I accidently told her about it. I knew, from that moment that I would be regretting it, and now here I am regretting it.

“Did you like it?” she asked me. Geez, what’s up with her and questions today? Can't she leave me alone? And why the hell am I blushing every single time someone mentions the kiss or I think about it.

“Umm…. Hmmm…” I said trying to think of a topic to distract her, so I said “I can't believe that you are a homophile.”

“Yeah, I am. So, don’t change the topic, tell me.” She demanded removing her shoes and sitting in Indian yogic style, on the couch I had in my office. Her brown eyes were sparkling with excitement.

“No, first you tell me when did you became homophile.” I said leaning back.

“What? That’s so unfair I asked you first mister. Plus, respect your elders.” She said

“Savannah Williams don’t you think you should respect the guy who gives you your pay-check?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, I always thank and respect Frank” she said smiling.

“Fine then I’ll make sure you don’t receive this month’s salary.” I mused

“Eric!” she bellowed “You can't do that, you mister. If you do that you will be uninvited in my wedding ceremony and you won’t be allowed to meet my future baby and I swear that I’ll cut all ties with you.”

Oh, shit! She can't do that. “You can't do that to a guy whom you call your brother.”  I complained

“I can, now spill.” She demanded. Women! You can't live with them and can't live without them!

“I hated it you know. It was so gross. I can bet even fish can kiss better than him. I felt like I was gonna vomit you know” I said grinning mischievously.

“Gaah! You won’t tell me a thing till I tell you my story will you?” she asked.

“Nopes” I said and then added in my mind ‘I don’t plan telling you a thing even after you tell me your story.’

She sighed and then started “This started in high school. Well, I never hated lgbts, actually never really gave a thought to it until I found out that my best friend Travis was gay. I guess, and then I became obsessed with finding him a boyfriend. And I found it cute that he had a thing for Leo, the school’s basket ball captain. Then, I found out via various means that Leo was also gay, but not out of the closet completely, only his best friend and family knew. His sister was the one who told me. Then I acted as a cupid. One of my best days in my life was probably when Leo asked Travis to be boyfriend.” She said sighing happily at the memory.

“Then what happened?” I asked

“Well, Travis accepted obviously and then I got to hear all the juicy details of their relationship. Two years ago they got married and in last fall they adopted a baby. I was Travis’s maid of honor and felt like squealing when they kissed on the altar. I guess then, I knew that I really loved lgbts.” She finished.

 And then I wondered, ‘if I was gay, which I think I am not, would me and Darien also get married? What? What am I thinking? No, I am straight and, Darien is my best friend and not my boyfriend. Boyfriend….. No, stop thinking’. I shook my head trying to clear my brain of the ideas of me being gay.

“Oh, nice story.” I said

“Yeah” she replied happily still lost in her thoughts.

“So, now tell me Eric.” She said coming back to the present.

“Umm… I really do know Savvy. I mean it was different, but I don’t know.” I confessed

Then the door swung open and Darien came and I looked up and in his beautiful blue eyes and I got so lost in them that I barely heard Savannah’s reply which was “You don’t know, well that confusion is to expected.”

“What were you two talking about? And what doesn’t he know?” Darien asked. Mmmm… his voice is so…what’s the word?

“Nothing much” Savannah said putting on her shoes. Her voice put me out of my trance. She got up and then went towards the doors. “Oh, and yeah Eric, the word you are looking for is yummy.” She winked and went away. What the…. How did she…. I didn’t say that aloud, did I?

“What the heck was she talking about?” Darien asked. Oh, good I didn’t say that aloud but, then how on the earth did Savvy know what was I thinking. Am I that easy to read? What the hell am I thinking anyway? I shouldn’t be thinking like that about Darr, or any other guy. I am straight right?

“No idea. Women are complicated. Can't figure them out.” I said

“Hmmm… you are right.” He said plopping onto the couch in a matter that I could see his muscles ripple. I was feeling things. Why? It must be due to fighting with dad. Yeah, I told him that I was gay way too many times. Yeah, that’s right. I mean I am totally straight, right? Right. Right?


A/N ; chapter 4 is done

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pic of darien on the side. i dunno the guys name. dedicated to vediogamer123 as she is my first fan....

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