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A/N: Starts from the moment Eric leaves the house in Eric’s POV

I drove out of the place as fast as I could and went to the nearest grocery shop. Then, I parked the car and took some time to calm my emotions. I took deep breaths to calm myself and then I realized that I was crying as tears rolled down my cheek and fell on my hands which were on my lap. I wondered why I was crying it is not that I liked Mollie or anything like that; after all she was only a distraction and that also a very unreliable one. Distraction…. That all she was. And I am crying not because of her, I am crying because deep inside I didn’t want the distraction, I wanted that person she was trying to distract me from. I wanted Darien…

I wiped my tears and went inside the shop. I headed towards the aisle where they kept alcohols and filled the cart half with it; I filled the other half with chocolate chip chocolate ice creams. I knew to buy these things because of Savannah. Whenever she had a break-up she used to consume these stuffs, and according to her, she felt better. Obviously, the hole in my chest couldn’t be filled up via these material things, but they seemed to numb out the pain, even though it is momentarily.

When I paid for all the things, the girl on the counter asked me “Party or heart-break?”

“Heart-break” I replied simply.

“I am sure that it was the girl’s loss” she said trying to cheer me up.

I simply nodded not bothering to correct her and then I got out of the store. What I told the girl was true, I had a heart break, but it wasn’t a girl who caused this heart of mine to break into so many tiny pieces that it can't be repaired, it was my best friend whom I was in love with, who broke it unknowingly.

Yes, I accept it that I love him, I don’t care whether this makes me gay or not, I just want to hold him, kiss him and love him. Was it too much to ask, for him to love me back?

I sighed and dumped the contents, which I bought, on the passenger seat and then drove off to my secret place.

Everyone should have these secret places, a place where you can think, be alone and be free from the rest of the world. Mine, was close to the nature and the fact that it belonged to me gave me happiness.

I parked my car near the entrance of the cave, my secret place, and then got out of the car with the alcohols and ice-creams. The cave’s entrance faced a cliff partially, but I liked the cave better than the cliff, at present, as the cliff gave me bad thoughts.

After I sat down leaning on the wall of the cave I opened one of the alcohol bottles which turned out to be Johnny Walker’s blue label, special edition. I drowned it down liking the burning sensation it gave me. The feeling that the whiskey left me was quite good, I was starting to feel numb already. Next I opened a wine bottle, whose label I didn’t bother to read. It was a white wine, and I liked it. Soon, enough I was drunk and then I opened one of the tubs of ice-creams I had bought. I searched for a spoon in the bag, till I got one and then started devouring ice-cream.

While I ate the ice-cream I remembered a rhyme that I used to sing. It went this way-I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM, and WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE-CREAM. Funny thing, I scream was pronounced in a similar fashion to ice-cream. I randomly laughed at that thought and screamed the rhyme out loud. It felt good especially as my voice echoed back. I chuckled and then put another scoop in my mouth. The ice-cream was so delicious.

I then pondered about me and Darr; I wondered how it would feel to have him as my boy-friend. Hmm…would he kiss me like before or have I thought of it so many times that it has become a perfection that can never be achieved? Gaah….. I seriously need Savannah’s help. She would know how to put me and Darien together. Yep, she is awesome, plus didn’t she already put two guys together who are married and all? What were their names? Is it Tyler? Tamara? Wait that is a girl’s name! Oh I remember it was Travis and the other guy’s name is hmm….Leo, yeah that right! Travis and Leo! I wish me and Darien also end up like them!

Well, better call her then! I then searched for my phone to discover that I left it at home. Freaking awesome! Oh well, I’ll ask her about it tomorrow. Tomorrow reminds me of the Nickelback’s song ‘If tomorrow was your last day’. Well if tomorrow was my last day then I would definitely ask Darien to marry me, even if he would reject me!

I suddenly burst out singing that song loudly while wondering about Leo and Travis. Leo is such a sexy name. Is he sexy too? Well, if he is Leonardo De Caprio then he must be sexy. Are all Leo’s sexy? I pondered about the fact and then it hit me like a freaking bullet train that I was pondering whether guys were hot! Yep, I am so not straight! I bet Savannah would be laughing like a mad woman if she knew what I was thinking about. Hmm…Savannah is pretty hot too, if I think about it. Actually many girls are hot and sexy, now that I ponder about it. So I must be bi. Oh, well! At least I’ll get the best of both worlds. But, I don’t want that! I want only Darien! One problem solved one more to go and after that me and Darien will end up together and have sexy babies! Thinking about him pained me again so I took a huge swing of whatever alcoholic drink I got my hands on.

I think that it is safe to say that I was both sugar and alcohol high when the sun rose up, giving me terrible headache. I checked my watch which said that it was four forty-five in the morning. I yawned and went to my car with all the left-over ice-cream and drinks and drove back home.

As soon as I entered I heard soft snores and went towards the living room to see all my friends sleeping on the couch. Savannah was in Cameron’s arms; Natasha, Dana and Ethan sprawled together and Katrina’s head on Darien’s shoulder. I smiled at the picture but immediately frowned when I noticed Katrina’s existence. But, what hurt me most that she was wearing Darr’s t-shirt.

After seeing this I went to my room and did what I had never done in my entire life. I cried myself to sleep.

A/N: aww… poor Eric! Atleast he isn’t in denial now. Who knew, alcohol and ice-cream helped him!







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