My name is Penelope

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I'm not your typical girl. I have a past, a past I'm not going to share at the moment. My name is Penelope, Pen, Penny, whatever you want to call me. I'm not one of those idiots who gets offended when people pronounce my name wrong. I'm just a person, a quiet one, may I add. My mom is lucky if she gets two words out of me. But honestly I'm not a fan of talking. I like to listen to people, if they would actually talk to me, but my own voice annoys me. Which is kind of ironic, because I love to sing. Anyway, what's the point of talking? No one listens to me anyway.

I hate the sight of myself. I'm sure a lot of other people hate the sight of me too. I wish I wasn't a person. Ugh! Here I go again, poor me. I always find myself pitying myself, if that makes any sense.

Why am I on the planet called earth? I go to a terrible high school, I fail almost every class, I have no friends. Seriously, I think people avoid me. It may have to do with my appearance, with my jet black hair with Turquoise streaks, my dark purple eye contacts, my facial piercings, 11 to be exact, 4 on each of my ears, one on my lower lip, one on my nose and one on my upper eyebrow, my clothing, mostly all black all the time, and my very obvious black make up. Maybe I go overboard sometimes, but oh well. I'm just being me. I don't like me at all, I wish I was the girl I was before my dad left, she was happy.

After I get ready for school, the full outfit of a navy blue tank top, black leggings, and black ankle boots with chains, and many accessories

So stylish Penny.

I open the door to go outside. The humid air hits my face making me regret putting on so much make up. I go to my garage and get my bike. Yes I am old enough to drive, but I don't have time to study a dumb book. And my mom is spend all out money on alcohol so we don't have enough money for anything but food. A bike is so much better anyway, saves gas, and I get some exercise out of it. So it's a win, win. I'm saving the world and getting fit at the same time.

Today is the first day back at school from summer break. I didn't do anything all summer really. Just went to some concerts that I won tickets for. And I played my guitar. If I ever meet some people who aren't afraid of me, I would love to start a band. Guitar is so much fun, I literally play until my fingers bleed. That's why I have bandages on them all them time. I bet some people think it's because I'm suicidal, but no.

Been down that ugly road.

Music is my life. I would be dead without it.

I ride my bike through the town, it takes about 20 minutes to get to my school from my house. You have plenty of time to think when you don't have any friends. And oh I love the looks from the locals when I ride around. I'm tempted to give them the bird but I'm not that type of person.

I arrive at school, the smell of pot enters my lungs. Oh high school. Full of potheads and girls who really want to get pregnant. It makes me sick. I wish people were better.

I've been going to this school for three years now, no one talks to me. I even know some people from middle school, still no one. Although, being shy and lonely has its perks. People's lives are interesting. I enjoy listening to the gossip, drama, who hooked up with who, what jock joined what sport. Just the normal stuff, and the normal groups. The preps, jocks, I'm going to haunt you in my sleep type of people, people who don't look good but don't really care, the pot heads, the girls who wear WAY too much make up and WAY to little clothing, oh and my favorite, the Christians. They are the masters at faking. They say that you see them at church acting all goody two shoes, then out of church, they're evil angels. They're supposed to be all friendly and good, but when they see me, they turn and walk the other way. I don't care really, I don't want a religious nut pushing their beliefs on me. I got enough of that from my dad. You know, before he left me and my mom.

Yup, you're a very loving Christian dad.

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